Yarndale Shout Out; Pass it On!


If you are a blogger and going to Yarndale on the Saturday this year, why not come to the main entrance at 1pm and meet even more bloggers. I know Plain Jane will be there and Hookin a Yarn; anybody else around for a chinwag? If you're not going yourself but you know someone else who is, please pass on this message. There are lots of bloggers going, it would be brilliant to get as many as possible together in one place! 


  1. I cant go on account of the hated dodgy knee but would love to have been able to meet up. Please do make sure you take lots of pics and blog every little detail so that I can have a vicarious visit.

  2. I couldn't go last year because it was the weekend we had to move Daniel in to uni, and I haven't bought a ticket for this year as I'm still unsure whether I can make it or not, we'll see.

  3. That's a great idea. I'm not sure either, as my husband works weekends and so childcare is an issue, but I'd love to try. x

  4. Leaving for Skipton tomorrow!!! caravan almost packed. Would hope to meet at 1pm but my daughter who is on a very tight schedule is picking me up from the caravan site, so we're aiming to get there first thing so she can get back to South Yorkshire for 3-30pm. Have a good meet if I don't make it. Anne

  5. Hope you have a great time.
    Lisa x


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