Today was Yarndale

I should have been there.
I should have been looking around Skipton. Drinking a coffee at Coopers Cafe and visiting the Studio.
I should have been giggling with my girl and eating a Chinese before settling down to Strictly and X factor.

Instead I spent the morning in a walk in. Seeing a triage nurse who marked us both (princess and me) as non emergency cases.
Seeing a nurse practitioner who gave me the immortal advice of rest and keep drinking and gave S cream (sore bits and a UTI)

And I spent the afternoon asleep through the end of Order of the Phoenix and the start of Half Blood Prince.

Bad timing? You betcha. Post plenty of pictures for me please Yarndalers. I can't even get to my computer, it's in use by a brave but itching princess.


  1. Oh no! Disappointing to miss something you have been looking forward to and then for it to be because of poorliness is doubly unfair!
    I wish you both a speedy recovery.
    I was at the emergency dentist yesterday, got an abscess, not the ideal way to spend a weekend is it?!
    Lisa x

  2. That would explain why I didn't see you, I was looking out for you though. Hope you're both feeling better soon.

  3. What a shame for you, it was a fantastic event again but very busy yesterday morning. We queued from about 9-45am and got in at 10-30am. Coffee in Coopers was as good as ever. Do hope you're both feeling better. L Anne xx

  4. Oh no! What a shame, I am sorry. I hope you're both feeling better soon. There's always next year. :-) x

  5. Do hope you're both feeling better now. So sorry that you missed Yarndale :-( x


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