Warning; this post contains cute and cuddly animals.

The Rabbit Farm at Llanystumdwy (and how I wish I'd cut and pasted that name!) is one of our favourite places to visit in Wales. It is the happy result of having a daughter who likes cute and cuddly. 

 Fortunately the farm has lots of animals, and 50p bags of feed to entice them nearby. I loved the alpacas, especially this happy looking one! They'd obviously just had a decent haircut and all I could think was "who gets the fleece?"
 The farm has the cutest collection of puppies. This little one was in a basket of month old puppies who couldn't be handled,
but the older puppies are ready to hold and really used to being handled by any and all.

although by this age you can see the puppy is really more of a toddler than a baby, ready to go and explore (and chew) everything he can!

Of course, it's a rabbit farm so there is a whole little barn full of rabbits and guinea pigs. Ideal spot for a rabbit loving little girl so we held a couple of rabbits each; the Princess really loved them; she held them gently and stroked them softly.

 I loved this Bright Eyes bunny. He was so alert, ears up and sniffing. Until I took hold and got him relaxed enough to sleep, or at least nap a little. Do bunnies purr?

 And before you think only small children and girls can lose their head over cute and cuddly, here's DP with the bunny and the pony (who kicks the fence to ask for food)
 He turned 16 in February, and did well with his GCSEs so 6th form has begun.

 I talked to the owners, who said that a group from Walsall near Birmingham had visited earlier in the year and said they had NEVER seen the sea OR held a rabbit OR seen a sheep. You can take things too much for granted.

I promised to do a post on them. They were really friendly and, at £20 for a family of five (no little children getting in free with us!) not too bad value. They haven't put the prices up for 3 years, and the workers are mostly family.

And to finish a final picture of something cute and furry. And the bunny is beautiful too!


  1. Ha ha. It looks like a brilliant place, somewhere I'd definitely head for if I were in the area.

  2. Definitely lots of very cute and cuddly animals!!! I would have had to copy and paste the name of it though to get it right!! xx

  3. Lovely place, and reasonable prices. It must have been so hard to put those puppies back down again... I'd have wanted to come home with them all xx

  4. What a fantastic place to visit! Loved the animal pictures, so cute.

  5. It looks like a fab destination for a family day out. And the entrance fee isn't bad for a family of five. Those bunnies are too cute!
    Well done to your son on the GCSEs, hope sixth form is going ok.
    Lisa x


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