Tatton Park, Cheshire

We spent Saturday with friends at Tatton Park, Cheshire. It's a lovely big house that used to be the home of the Earls of Bridgewater (them of the canal fame).
Yesterday was their Mediaeval Fayre day. There were lots of stalls selling ye olde arrows and shoes, but this was the sign that made us smile.

The men in armour must have suffered in the heat yesterday, but I think they enjoy suiting up and whacking chunks off each other with broad swords, so I'm not too sympathetic.

 Our friends' children are 9 and 8. The 'pitched battle' that we couldn't see for all the grown ups in the way who WOULD NOT let them through soon lost any trace of interest to their own pitched battle; empty coke bottles are such good swords for a 'friendly' contest. Don't worry; the 8 year old beat my 2nd son absolutely!
And by the end of the day, we wandered off quite happily. 


  1. Sounds like a cool day out!
    Marianne x

    1. Cool as in good, well, yes, it was. Cool as in temperature; no, I burnt my neck. Again. I never learn!

  2. What a great day out. I love that sign too.

    1. It was fun to see it sitting there next to ye olde cake pops, ye olde CD of mediaeval music and ye olde cans of pepsi! Although there were stalls with meade and fruit leather on as well.

  3. Someone has a sense of humour!

    1. And good business! I only took cash so that I COULDN'T spend any money, so I didn't get to use ye olde debit machine. Still came back with an empty purse!

  4. It sounds like a lot of fun there! I love period events like that.


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