Wednesday Wind Up

What am I reading this week?

I finished The Ice Twins  over the weekend. It was a really good book; a sort-of chillingly twisted book, where the Mum coming to terms with the death of one of her twin daughters is suddenly thrown off balance when the surviving daughter suddenly says that she is actually the other daughter. Is she being haunted or possessed by her sister? Did the father do something to them? And why if the family are so screwed would they go to a remote island off the coast of Skye? At a certain point I just had to read on until I fell asleep clutching my Kindle.

Now I'm reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time  and enjoying it. Yes, I am late to this party but it's been picked as the October book club book and the meeting is on Monday. 30% through; will I make it in time?

What have I watched this week?
We broke open a Christmas DVD in desperation last Tuesday and watched

Avengers: Age of Ultron [DVD] . We went to the cinema to watch it last April, and loved it. Watching it again was no punishment. I know it's a rip-roaring action movie, but James Spader is very good in it, and the question of what would Artificial Intelligence really make of humanity is a good one to carry with you.

Where have I been this week?
Not really anywhere. It's been a busy week so far. I made it to the WI quiz on Monday, and to David's parent consultation tonight. I have to do Parents' Evening at school tomorrow (my first for about 10 years) and I'm desperate for Friday afternoon when I can walk out and shake the dust of school off my feet for a week.

How has my spending gone this week?
Well. I think well, at least. I have only really bought a few Christmas bits and bobs, and begun to plan for a wedding in April when my beautiful niece, Eve, gets hitched. I need to start planning for wedding outfits, presents and assorted sundries.

What are my WIPs this week?
I'm still slowly making progress on the CAL. I have the rest of the second half and the border to do yet. But somedays I just need to sit and stare into space, or Peter has things for me to do for the business. I have loads of projects lined up, but I'm loathe to start another one until I finish one!

Any Other Business?
I may be changing career. Peter is thinking of getting a shop front office in a local area. We've begun looking at premises and he is wondering at what point he needs to use me as the office manager/receptionist/paralegal etc full time, rather than working in school. That would be a big difference for me, but I'm inclined to think if it were done, t'were well that it were done quickly.

Oh, that reminds me! I DID go somewhere last Thursday!!! I went to the cinema to watch him

 playing in this

as it was broadcast live. Loved it. Just loved it.


  1. Sounds like a good week! Hope the rest of the week is good too! xx

  2. The Ice Twins sounds intriguing, may have to add it to my list. Sounds like a full week xx

  3. Sounds like a good week, my spending has been shocking lately but I fully blame it on Christmas!! Not long now till the end of Friday working day my dear xx

    1. I can't resist spreading the cost of Christmas! The thought of doing all my shopping in one month would drive me wild!

  4. The Ice Twins sounds like a good read, my wish list seems to get longer by the day as I keep popping books on it which people recommend. How exciting, a change in career. Glad to hear it all seems to be going well for Peter, I know it wasn't that long ago since he branched out on his own so well done to him.

    1. Thank you! He's a much happier bunny since he did set up a solo firm.

  5. Keep going, nearly there now!
    Love the sound of that Ice Twins book, a riveting read by the sound of it.
    A lot of forward planning being done in your house on more than more front, exciting times ahead.
    Lisa x

    1. Exciting indeed! Just as I rampage wildly towards my 50's as well! Who said a midlife crisis wasn't fun?

  6. Ooh sounds like lots of exciting plans afoot. We finally got to watch the latest Jurassic World at the weekend, but maybe I am getting old - but I was watching thinking, as if she'd survive running from dinosaurs in those heels - and I'd wanted to watch it for ages too!

    1. The heels would have distracted me too, except for Chris Pratt. I like him, so he was fun to watch!

  7. The Ice Twins sounds a good read and The Curious Incident reminds me I read 2 or 3 chapters of it last year and never finished it. Very unusual for me. Will have to retrieve it from Amy's bedroom and finish it. The possible change of career sounds very exciting. Is the new job something that you're looking forward to? xx

    1. Yes.... I didn't want to be teaching when I was 50; ironically, if I work for Peter until official retirement I will have spent longer as an office worker than a full-time teacher!

  8. What a busy week you've had. Hope you are enjoying and relaxing this weekend, with maybe a good book! I'm still not as far ahead as you with the CAL. Take care.

  9. I watched "him" last week in a DVD of Imitation Game. Really enjoyed it. The Ice Twins sounds like a good read. Might have to get that!

  10. All this culture, you have been busy! I like knowing what other people are reading and watching though, I always get good tips. The Ice Twins sounds really creepy.


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