Taking a breather...

This weekend has been a chance to take a breather out from work and rampaging and doing so much to do a lot of little things that needed doing. A little crafting, a little reading, some planning for Christmas and some housework. Next week will be a week from hell, with parents evenings (both doing and attending) evening events that I need to go to, and a list of things to do ready for half term next Friday. And breathe.......

Ninjabread men cookies. Sarah made them, and they were delicious! Can you tell they're all doing different kung fu moves? Such a simple idea! I bought the kit from Dobbies and brought them home, worrying that they were too childish for my sophisticated teenagers. Not a bit of it; James (15) has claimed the patterns as his own. Apparently I must have bought the kit for him, because he is my Ninjaboy!

The Cherry Heart CAL; this week I have gone slowly. I have until next Tuesday (the 25th?) to complete these parts. I'm hoping to sit and do some during X Factor and Downton Abbey tonight. After a warming Toastie Peklow and a drink of beer or hot chai!

 And I am behind with my magazine reading. I bought these weeks ago, indeed, the next editions are probably in the shops, but they slipped behind my chair and got lost. If I'm not crocheting today I am going to read them, and enjoy planning the next project for my house.

And Sarah. This was taken at 4pm today. We've been to church, been to a 90th birthday party and she's had a shower using products from her Birchbox. And now she sits in her jimmijams ready to relax. A Knight's Tale on the TV (Oh, Lord, but Heath Ledger was yar; and Paul Bettany could talk his way into my good books every day.) and some quiet napping makes for a lovely Sunday all in all. And I caught up with my washing!
I won't be menu planning tomorrow, but I'm hoping to pop by for a Wednesday Wind up or a Thursday Throw up later in the week.


  1. It sounds like you're busy busy at the moment. The ninjabread cookies look great, Eleanor's been baking today, she's taking treats in for her sociology class (they take it in turns) in a couple of weeks so she's been testing out some recipes. The blanket's looking great, I'm way behind but I'm working on other things too so I don't mind, it'll get done in the end.

    1. In the end is good enough. The second half is basically the first half in different colours, so it's a bit easier without stitches to learn as well!

  2. So so busy! I am thinking the same with a load of jobs before half term week and then trying to keep my two occupied (but being older teenagers they probably won't be up until 3 in the afternoon). I've just watched Knights Tale too - James Purefoy who played the prince tweeted Happy Birthday to me a couple of years ago and I just think he is fantastic!! Have a great week xx

    1. Now that's a good thing to brag about! How did you get him to tweet you? I think he is really good; we're watching The Following on TV and he's really good as a psychopathic teacher.

  3. You're never too old to make and decorate gingerbread men and they look fab. There was a make your own gingerbread house in Lidl that I'm going to get for my two this week. Sarah is a girl after my own heart; I've been in my jimjams all day today. It has been a long term, bet you are ready for a break now. The next one is 7 weeks as well so make sure you get lots of R&R next week. xx

    1. More recreation than rest... I like to be able to say "I did this during the holidays" and to leave the house in a better state!

  4. It sounds like you've had a good weekend! I've looked at the ninjabread men cutters too but unlike you, thought that my girls were too old for them and didn't add them to our ridiculous number of other biscuit cutters. Maybe I should re-think that one! :-) xx

    1. They are cool; and is one ever too old for cookies?

  5. I've not used cookie cutters for some years now, as there are only the 2 of us these days, but I did make a currant loaf and easy chocolate brownie slice yesterday, so I do still bake. You are way further ahead on the CAL than me, and I like your colours better. Mine will be quite bright by the time I finish and it's going to be so big, as it is already getting quite heavy. Have a good week and take care.

    1. Thank you!
      Chocolate brownie slice sounds good. Which recipe was that?

  6. Busy weekend. I love the ninja gingerbread men, never seen them before, brilliant xx

  7. Next Tuesday is either the 20th (tomorrow) or the 27th - the 25th is Sunday. I'm sure you've worked that out! I have that Simply Crochet magazine and there's some lovely patterns in it. But I really want to make the jacket on the cover. Have to finish my cabled poncho first. Well, I suppose I don't HAVE to finish it before starting the tartan jacket. Your blanket looks really lovely. Hope you enjoyed Downton!

    1. The tartan jacket does look good, doesn't it? I have no idea what the date for next Tuesday is. I'll catch up eventually.

  8. So busy, I've just found a subscribed copy of Mollie Makes in my sons sports bag which was plonked under the letter box! Gosh you're doing awfully well with your blanket I'm still on the first bit I need to get some things finished & sent off before I start again xx

  9. Love those gingerbread men - and great that they have been such a hit with your family! It's so good to catch up on projects and reading - no wonder you are looking forward to half term!
    Caz xx

  10. Ninjabread- ha, ha that made me laugh!
    Sounds like things have been a tad busy in your neck of the woods with no sign of them letting up just yet.
    Your latest yarn project looks lovely I must say.
    Looking forward to half term and a rest from making packed lunches.
    Lisa x


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