Meal Planning Monday for October 2015

Yes, I know, it's already October, but I didn't grab any time last week for meal planning. So here, without further ado, are my menu plans for the rest of October. I'm awaiting Nigella and Nigel's new books, so no recipe book inspiration this month.

1 Chicken Stir fry
2 SFC and chips/ Peter to decide
3S Fish and chips
4S Char sui Pork and mash
5 Bolognese and pasta
6 Pork and 5 spice stir fry noodles
7 Sausages and potato wedges
8 Macaroni, ham and peas
9 Burgers/ Hung Shao Pork
10S Chilli, rice and wedges
11S Pork with hasselbacks, and brocciflower cheese
12 Pulled pork fajitas with cucumber and hoisin
13 Chicken and red pepper roast
14 meatballs and pasta
15 Toad in the Hole
16 HM pizza/ paella
17S Mince enchilladas
18S Roast, mash, brocciflower cheese
19 Pork belly stir fry with rice
20 Breakfast at night
21 Mince fajitas
22 Lasagne, garlic bread and broccoli
23 Fish and chips
24S Cottage pie
25S Boeuf bourguinonne
26 Bolognese pasta
27 sausage, mash and beans
28 meatballs and mash
29 lasagne again!
30 chicken enchilladas
31S Toastie Peklow, chips and slaw


  1. There isn't one meal there that I'd turn my nose up at, they all sound scrummy.

    1. Thank you! My middle son can be a fussy eater so we have quite a repetitive menu sometimes!

  2. Please can I come for tea?! Menu choices sound lovely and I'm glad to hear someone else plans them in advance, I thought we were a dying breed :)

    1. I can't just plan weekly; it has to be monthly. And posting once a week is too often for me to remember.

  3. So organised, definitely going to be a good month xx

    1. I love October; next month I am seriously having a slow cooker drive, when I use it as often as possible!

  4. Oh, I wish I could be that organised!

    1. All menus subject to alteration at the last minute.... I might be organised but it doesn't always work!

  5. I'm curious...what is Toastie Pecklow? Jx

    1. It's like cheese on toast with a layer of chilli under the cheese. I'm going to make them on halved baguettes.

  6. Another month sorted!
    Thanks for the gnocchi inspiration. I did them one day last week and they were snaffled by all.
    Lisa x

    1. We hadn't had them for ages. Aldi don't do them, so I had to go specially to Sainsburys for them! I'm glad you liked them x

  7. I'm in awe of anyone who can plan their meals for a whole month! Do you have to use a recipe book for any of these, or are they all meals that you know off by heart? Does it take much planning and organising in the first place? I'd love to try this, but maybe I'll just concentrate on a week at a time to begin with...
    Michelle x

    1. I have built up my repertoire... This month is recipe free, virtually. Some I know by heart, some I'll make up. And next month will be Nigel/Nigella all the way! (joke)

  8. I am behind with my meal planning for this month so it is going to be a bit hit and miss for a day or two and then I will get organised from next week onwards! You sound as though you are very organised! Some great meals ahead for you. xx


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