Wednesday Wind Up; tired is a state of mind, and my mind is really powerful.

Another week passes and it's Tuesday night as I write this, watching Iron Man III (one of my favourite Christmas movies) and wishing it were possible either to go to bed at 8.30 or to take a drink of tea and feel suddenly wide awake for 3 hours before crashing to bed again. I think the sudden darkening of evenings and an overflow of issues to do with work at both school and home are pressing on me. I am not my happy Pollyanna. I need to sleep well, and soon.

What am I reading this week?
I finished Issy Bradley and it was still good at the end. I like it when a book that starts well ends well. So I moved on;

The Book of You It's weird, but good, about a woman who is being stalked (and by stalked I mean in actual danger) by a man she walks with. Clarissa was doped and date raped by Rafe, and now she wants to keep away from him, but he doesn't want to leave her alone. She can't get treated seriously by the police so a charity advises her to keep a record, and she begins to write The Book of You.

What have I watched this week?
I'm holding out for Sunday at 9pm. When this beauty returns for the last series. Downton Abbey
Now I know it's Autumn and Winter soon. Aside from that, I am still loving the Chase. Apparently I scream "Go Large or Go Home!!" when the time to make a choice comes.

Where have I been this week?
No where. I spent my weekend with a hand shoved into the inner workings of a printer trying to clear out a yellow toner explosion. I failed. And now I am wanting to get a printer service done on the blasted thing to make sure that it will still work for Mr Mr. He uses a printer daily, and it's been nearly a week since we messed up on this one....

How has my spending gone this week?
So far, not bad. But I will be paying for the service, and I am saving for Yarndale so next week.....

What are my WIPs this week?
I'm using up some autumn shades of wool on a cushion that matches my blanket. Or two cushions. It depends how much spare wool I have.

Any Other Business?
Yarndale! I'm getting excited. I'm taking Sarah and staying over in Keighley. We want to have a meal on the Saturday (I can't decide between Fish and Chips or a Chinese?)  and then on Sunday we will either re-visit Yarndale or find something else fun to do in the area. I think Sarah fancies quad bikes.... but a nice tea shop might just buy her off.


  1. I hope you have a fab time at Yarndale, I'm really going to go next year. Quad bikes or tea shop I'd know what I'd prefer xx

  2. I think it is the change of seasons and the change from holidays to work/school that is exhausting. I have been in bed at 9 pm most nights last week, 10 at the very latest. I am quite envious that you get to go to Yarndale. I have never been but would love to. It clashes with our September weekend camping trip. Enjoy!

    1. I fell asleep on the settee last night, at 9.30. I just need more sleep!

  3. I hope that printer issue gets sorted very soon, what a pain when it's something so much needed for everyday life and work.
    I'm sure you'll have a fab time at Yarndale, both of you! How exciting to have a little trip away and some girlie time.
    One your recommendation I taped Scrooge last Christmas and finally watched it a couple of weeks ago. Love a couple of the songs and seeing a young Anton Rogers made me laugh.
    Lisa x

    1. It's brilliant! Once October strikes I'll up my Christmas movie quota. At the moment I'm working in the evening 5 out of 5, so very little down time.

  4. I get so frustrated watching The chase if someone takes a minus offer, also really looking forward to Sunday's vieewing, sad it's the last series though. Have fun at Yarndale xx

    1. Minus offers are the pits. I get frustrated when clever people bottle it. If a quizzer goes on against a quiz genius, you expect a good contest!

      And I will really enjoy Yarndale.

  5. I can't wait for Downton, how sad though that it's ending. I'm still not sure if I'll make Yarndale or not, I'm hoping so but I never make firm plans these days as something or other usually crops up to put a spanner in the works. I asked Eleanor if she wanted to go but she doesn't fancy it, a shame really as I think she'd really enjoy it, so if I do go, I'll be dragging Mick along with me again. He doesn't mind though as he enjoyed looking around last year and even did some Christmas shopping.

    1. Do you need to drag Mick along? If you can get there on the Saturday we can hang out together!

    2. Mick will be my chauffeur so will be there anyway. He quite enjoyed looking round last year, it wasn't what he was expecting at all.

  6. Me too - shattered that is. Am not sleeping well when I get to bed with work thoughts whizzing and then falling asleep in front of TV before 9. Not the easiest time of the year.

    1. It's getting used to the whole hamster wheel again that is so hard. By October it will be better!

  7. Hope the home and school issues get sorted. Nothing worse than having things on your mind especially when you're tired - its hard to think straight. A girly weekend sounds fun although I'm not sure about the quad bikes! Whatever you decide to do hope you both enjoy yourselves xx

  8. I've been known to go to bed at 8.30 x enjoy yarndale! x


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