Wednesday Wind Up

Thursday throw up. Doesn't have the same ring but is probably what I do most weeks; throw up my Wednesday Wind up onto the computer in a rush in between sorting out the weekend and finishing off the day.

What am I reading this week?
The Book of You was unsettling but a good read. I quite liked the ending (no spoilers!!!) but all the way through I was like, why doesn't she just go to the Police????

And I have begun The Book of Lost and Found. It's good so far, but I have only just started it. A tale of ballet dancers and hidden family secrets.

What have I watched this week?
We are watching The Following on Pick (I think). It was on Atlantic originally so we couldn't get it, but now I am very happily watching a saga of serial killers based on Edgar Allen Poe, and enjoying watching it with my big boys. At some point I find I'm looking at them and thinking that they are old enough to watch the same TV that we do. Life was easier when they watched Thomas and Friends. And I knew the words of every episode we had because, hey, we watched them every. blooming. day.

Where have I been this week?
Ask me next week. Beyond Next, for a new watch to keep playtime short and sharp, and my Mothers, I haven't been....

No, actually, I am forgetting. On Monday I went to the WI quiz night. I love the quiz evening, a monthly chance to play questions. Last year we won the North West fun quiz and that was a nice feeling. But I wonder if our quiz mistress hasn't taken it a bit seriously, because she had us separate into 'serious' quiz team and 'fun' quizzers so that we could train for the re-match in January. Cue sad faces from us seriousities because we actually quiz just for fun, and just happen to be good at it. So we did both, one for training and one for fun (so our scores didn't count) and that was even more fun. And then I came home to watch University Challenge and Only Connect. I love Quiz Mondays.

And on Tuesday I took my Mum to the WI in Rainhill, where they had their show of work on. Mum is going to join, so once a month I am going to take her again. Double WI ness.

How has my spending gone this week?
Well! I didn't need to pay for a printer service after all, when Mr Mister got me a set of toner parcels and said "Come on, let's go into the garage and get dirty". Well, I don't get invitations like that too often, so I said yes, and ended up seeing rather too much of a naked printer. Did you know that there are a lot of pieces in a printer that come out? And can be replaced? And that it is perfectly possible for a middle aged mother to do the service on the printer herself, even if she was hoping for something rather more shades of grey than cyan, magenta and the other colour....

What are my WIPs this week?
Oh, yes!!!! Wow baby!! Woo hoo! I am on the way to making TWO blankets at once, sort of following Cherry Heart and Black Sheep Wools' pattern. It's an accident, and really only because I have the Stylecraft colourway and will be following exactly the instructions as a sort of spiritual exercise (you know it's hard for me not to meddle with a pattern) but I needed to express myself as well, and I liked the bit I did on Wednesday and the next part doesn't come out until Tuesday so I thought what the hell, and went for it. I have no pictures, but I will get plenty to put up next week. I hope.

Any Other Business?
I am going to Yarndale.
I am going to Yarndale.
I am going to Yarndale.

And if you're going, then that's brilliant; how will I recognise you? I'll be the very excited one rushing around, stroking the yarn and having a ball. I'll be there on Saturday afternoon, and perhaps Sunday, although that rather depends on whether Sarah can handle two days.


  1. There will be REAL alpacas. Sarah will love to be there for two days! :) xx

    1. She probably will, especially if she can eat some food and buy some stuff!

  2. Your doing two blankets? I don't know how you keep up with it. I know I'll be lagging behind with my one, but I'll get there eventually. I want to know more about the second one now. Have a great time at Yarndale.

    1. I'll post about the second one over the weekend, and about Yarndale as well. Can't wait!

  3. I like the picture on the cover of that book.
    Hope you both had really fab time at Yarndale, looking forward to hearing about your adventures.
    We are big fans of OC here, right from the first series when no-one else we knew watched it! Those walls are such fun to do.
    Lisa x

    1. I Love the missing vowels round, I just love how the brain is wired to read and decipher even if it's really hard. We are animals driven by sense!

  4. enjoy Yarndale. I can feel the excitement from here!

  5. Ha, ha - love the comment you left on my blog - have a fantastic time at Yarndale, look forward to reading about it on your blog, and make sure it's photo heavy!!
    Caz xx

  6. Have a wonderful time at Yarndale. Husband had planned to take me, but daughter is poorly, so just there is spirit. I love Tha Following, though it probably wasn't good when I was hoping the serial killer would get away! xx

  7. Hope you enjoyed Yarndale. I didn't get to it this year.

  8. I hope you had fun at Yarndale. I even feel a little bit sad that I moved so far away from Yorkshire now that's on! I like the sound of your WI quiz. A new WI has started down here and I'm planning on going in a couple of weeks - I'm quite looking forward to it! x


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