The Best Things in Wales are Red

Jo (Through the Keyhole) knows me so well. I bet most of you did as well. The shelves did not linger in a garage waiting for me to feel inspired, they were done, dusted and in place in time for Downton Abbey last night (no spoilers!)

And like an amazing Welsh Dragon, it stands in my dining room, ready to be populated with my best bits of fripperies. Love it, absolutely love it.
Eye candy warning; there are some pictures coming up!

So it will sit here and wait until the shops and garden centres stock up their fairiest of fairy lights, when I will get me some white corded lights (as many and as long as possible) to string up, Nigella-style, and indulge my inner whimsy with decorating the shelves with many happy memories and cards, postcards, mugs, jars and other detritus of a life lived happily.


  1. The dressser looks lovely. You have every reason to be proud. Did you say you had willow pattern china? That and the lights will look so pretty. My kitchen dresser is pine and I top it with a poppy flower garland and year round fairy lights. Alison C

    1. I do have Willow pattern china; I want to get some up soon, and then it will just look so fabulous. Do you have a blog to see your dresser?

  2. I think you have done a marvellous job with your dresser. I bet you will have lots of fun re arranging all your pretties x

  3. That really does look lovely and leaving the top unpainted sets it off perfectly. The paint job looks really professional as well. xx

    1. Thank you! I'm having fun pricing up painted dressers and laughing at the cost that I could never have justified but now don't need to spend!

  4. Fantastic!!! It will be gorgeous with fairy lights!!! A great job! xx

    1. Praise from Caesar is praise indeed... I may nick some of your mantel ideas to use on it!

  5. It's absolutely fantastic. The plain wood top is perfect. What made you think to leave it like that and not paint it red? It's a great job.

    1. I think I saw one in a magazine that had a plain top, and then because I was painting it red I thought ALL red (even for me) would be too much. Plus a painted top would be more likely to scratch with use, so plain wood won out. Thank you for the praise.

  6. Ha ha, I knew you wouldn't settle until you'd got it finished, it looks fabulous. I absolutely love how you've left the top unpainted, I wasn't sure in your last post but now the top is on there it looks great. It's going to look so good when the fairy lights are installed.

    1. What's fab is that the top and bottom come apart so easily, so if I decide to have a sideboard instead of a dresser I just take it to pieces! Glad I made you laugh.

  7. Looks really, really good, that red is so warm. And perfect for Christmas.
    Love the cake stand, needs filling up though I reckon!
    I can see why you're so pleased with it, it's going to sparkle when those lights are added.
    Lisa x

    1. Sarah is in charge of the cake stand filling. And there are only 93 days to Christmas!!!!

  8. Bravo madam, it looks superb! You'll have to take more photos when you get the fairy lights up xx

    1. I will do. I'm looking out for some already!


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