Dresser-ing up the house.

It took me ages to find the post I needed. I am a really bad recorder of things sometimes. I thought I'd blogged about my welsh dresser (bargain £60 at Oxfam) but it transpires I never have. Or at least not with pictures and much joy.
But I found a post with a bad picture of it here;
My Best Friend for Afternoon Tea

You can just see it in the background of the last photo. That's my dresser. It was in my dining room until Mr Mister told me it was golden pine and not mahogany and, ergo, did not match. I moved it to the garage and left it there, mourning my lost storage and especially the loss of a living style I was seeking (cottage kitsch; I love it!) And it stayed there. For. Years.
 And I wrote my planning list every year including "Paint dresser"
And every year the list entry remained unticked.

But this year a little fire has entered my belly. Or I've found my house mojo at last. For last Sunday in a golden autumn afternoon of sunshine and printer failure (I had to clean the inside, fit more parts and still admit to failure) I grabbed a paintbrush and had me a touch of therapeutic painting. The paint is the same shade I used for the door (we had a pot left over) and the handles came off the old drawer unit from Sarah's bedroom so total cost of the transformation is zero. A win.

I've only painted the base and I have to sand and paint the shelves (on my list, and won't take me years to do; I need the full Welsh Dresser hit this year, I really do) but I am really pleased with the effect so far.

I've left the top a plain wood, just sanded and not varnished. I can't decide whether it needs waxing. I can't wait to get the shelves and get my red, white and blue china up there. Imagine a shelf of willow pattern saucers and cups. Bliss.

But it still has to be useful as well as beautiful, so I took a few minutes yesterday to Brocante my dresser (as in Vintage Housekeeping from Brocante Home) and to make it pretty inside and out.

I used the same old tablecloth I lined my kitchen shelves with back in May and lined my cupboard base and the drawers. I'm sourcing baskets for storage inside, and a hessian bag for some Special Christmas Stuff.

I have more stuff inside (think two boxes of crackers for a start) but this morning is too dark for a decent photograph. I'm thinking you will see more of it as the year goes by.
Already I am trying to decide what sort of fairy lights would suit it best, how early is too early to string them up (answer; no time is too early. They can go up as soon as I buy them and stay up all year long) and whether I use green tinsel and red gingham ribbon along the edges or the back of the shelves.

If this afternoon cracks a sunny smile, I may well dive out to the garage and finish the job. Quiet Sundays are made of this.


  1. Your red dresser looks great! I have no patience for painting unfortunately. Enjoy the rest of Sunday.

    1. I will do! Downton and a decent cup of tea after a roast chicken dinner... yum!

  2. Wow, that's gorgeous, I love it and can't wait to see the top half too. The red contrasts with the wood brilliantly, wish I'd had the patience to sand mine down like that xx

    1. And next week I can show you the finished article....!!!

  3. I admire what you have done with this especially the colour. My dresser is out of bounds for everyone and is full to brimming with all things that are important to me. No one in the family is allowed to touch it and fill it with their bits and bods. It really comes into its own when Christmas comes around and everyone piles into the dining room to reminisce about times gone by. Have a wonderful Sunday. Chel

    1. Thank you! I might have to declare mine out of bounds as well. At the moment it's filling up nicely with Christmas goodies.

  4. what a transformation! love it.

    1. Thank you! It is making me smile rather happily at the moment. And another long term project completed! My mojo is rather much in evidence at the moment!

  5. I'd love a dresser for both looks and space, but unfortunately, we have no wall for it to stand against. Looking forward to seeing it all 'dressed' up with your fairy lights and china. xx

    1. Soon as I do, it will be up on the blog and on my instagram!

  6. It is fantastic!!! I like the plain top, which will be lovely with the dresser top part as well. Sounds as though you are really enjoying your home makeovers! xx

    1. Absolutely enjoying finally getting the house sorted and clear. I'm so looking forward to fairy lights and mini Christmas trees!

  7. It's fabulous, I love it. I bet you've been out there this afternoon sorting out the top, you won't be able to wait now you've got going on it.

    1. Are you spying on me? Or just know me so well? How did you know that was what I did this afternoon after I did my homework?

  8. It looks great! I'm never brave enough to paint furniture but always have to admit that for other people who can take the plunge, their furniture really benefits from that new lease of life xx

    1. It's the only way Mr Mister would let me have the dresser. He is right, the golden pine was too golden to sit next to the mahogany. I'm happy with the result.

  9. The paint looks really good on it, well done you & I agree 'never too early for fairy lights'. xx

    1. It's what shelves are for, isn't it? Stringing the fairy lights on! Can't wait to get some x

  10. You've done a great job and I'm sure you can't wait to get it all finished. Yes, go for the fairy light any time. If they aren't Christmassy you can keep them up all year round. There are some really gorgeous ones available. Don't forget you can get battery ones as well as ordinary plug in ones. The battery ones are really handy.

    1. I've had battery ones for the garden. I think I can just about plug in a string from the dresser, so I'm thinking as many and as long as possible will be fun!

  11. You did a great job! I love the plain top with the red bottom.

    1. Thank you! I thought I'd never get around to it (procrastination is a wonderful talent of mine) and now I don't know why I waited!

  12. What a wonderful transformation. I love it, that red, those shelves. Lovely!!
    Go with red gingham ribbon for sure.
    Can't wait to see it in all it's glory.
    Fairy lights are definitely an all year rounder.
    Have you signed up for the Brocante relaunch? Can't make my mind up yet.
    Lisa x


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