Yesterday..... all my troubles seemed so far away!

Well done to everybody who got exam results yesterday. I hate the stress that we put teenagers through, with limited time and big questions to answer. I ask you, would it be such a bad idea to give them the questions 2 weeks before and send them off to prepare and then do the exam? In which field of work are you expected nowadays to know so much without an aide memoire or time to prepare a project? But it comes back to the whole course work/exam problem, and who benefits most from the process.

My eldest son, DP, got his AS level results yesterday. Here he is;

We celebrated an A in English Literature with a cream tea at Dunelm Mill. His History result was a B, and Religious Studies a disappointing E. Of his psychology (U) less said the better, but needless to say he is dropping it like hot coals in September.
I am very proud of him, not least for the fact that he made me lunch today as well. Brainy and a good cook? Now if only I could teach him to tidy up after himself, he'd be a perfect man!


  1. Congratulations to DP, brilliant results. It's worth all the effort when the hard work pays off.

    1. Thank you! But it'll be worse this time next year.... well done to Eleanor as well x

  2. Well done - English lit is a far more useful A level than psychology anyway.

    1. I hope so. I think he was hoping it would be psychology as in Criminal Minds or serial killers, but it was a lot more like sociology, so boring to him.

  3. Huge well done to DP. I hope he enjoyed the scone!
    Lisa x

    1. He had the scone, I had the tea. That's fair, isn't it?

  4. Congratulations to your son on good results and working so hard! xx

  5. Congratulations to DP on his results x

  6. Congratulations to DP on his results. xx

  7. Congratulations to your son! And lunch made too - how lovely! When you find out how to teach a young man to tidy up after him please tell me - I'm still trying. I agree, we do put far too much pressure on young people now in terms of exams. I have seen my 2 sons go through it - now we wait for daughter's GCSEs results.
    Caz xx
    PS lovely photo - no wonder you are a proud mum

    1. GCSE this Thursday? We have one result for JW who took his English Language a year early. Next year we have A levels and GCSEs in the same year! Good luck to the daughter.
      As for tidying up after themselves, I'm guessing there is no workable way. I'll try just tidy enough and see if that works.


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