Meal Planning Monday

A good week for food. We have a new Aldi near us and we are just testing it out for a few weeks to compare prices and quality. So far there is very little we would rather have bought at our usual supermarket, except coffee and perhaps fruit juice concentrate. Oh, and they don't do bagels but since the Princess has got braces on her teeth, then bagels are out anyway. So menu for this week; Monday; Spanish Pork and pasta. A family favourite from Delia Smith, with an updated recipe available here; Broccoli as a side. Tuesday; Mustard coated chicken; I should be using chicken thighs here but the price of a whole chicken is too good to resist (Ā£4.99) so I shall be cutting the chicken up myself. First.time.ever. Wednesday; Salisbury Steaks and potatoes. Fancy burgers, basically, but I may dip them in egg and breadcrumbs as well. And the potatoes are potato gratin from Aldi. They take 30 minutes to cook to soft. I need to learn how to make gratin and then just do it. Thurs...