Confession is good for the soul...

This is a true confessions post. I am about to admit to the true state of my house. It's a tip.

This is the study. Better, but still not good enough. There are too many piles of fabric, too many boxes of paper that have had no home.

This is the small bedroom.

 This is a true embarrassment. Two years ago it looked lovely, blue, tidy and clear enough to have my friend stay there; now it's full of stuff waiting to go on ebay, go to charity, go to hell. You can't get in there, you can't invite a friend to sleep over, I haven't got it as an option to put one of the lads in when I decorate their bedroom. That is completely unacceptable.

This is their bedroom. Perhaps this is what sparked me off; their room has lain dormant for 10 years. They like the colour. They like the arrangement, the bunk beds, the books. To an extent I know I have to leave the arrangement to them, they are, after all, teenagers but I want it to be acceptable. This is not acceptable. (I know, I sound like a programme of Supernanny. Used to love her!) I need to get their bedroom sorted and organised and soon.... my eldest has GCSE's next year and deserves an area where he can work and read in peace.
And my external storage areas are.... stuffed. Overfull. Packed. This is the garage; most of those bikes are too small.

This furniture is waiting for Bulky Bob to collect it and take it away.

These bags are stuff already shifted from the house.

You can't see the stairs in the corner. They lead to the attic; big enough for the Mad wife, and full enough to drive her crazy.

Spot the cot; boxes of clothes from my pre-children days, a Christmas train track,

Books, bags of wool, suitcases of more clothes,
 More boxes. Some of these have my Mother-in-law's china in. God knows what else.
 More material. More stuff. More. More MORE
If clutter truly has an impact on a person's size and mental wellbeing, then I know where my size issues come from.
But I have had enough. Posting these photos are my line in the sand. I am declaring war on the stuff in my house. I have been reading the minimalist blogs. I have been dreaming. I have plans.
This post is long enough; come back tomorrow for the plans. Please. You are involved.


  1. I admire your honesty. There's so many blogs showing perfect homes, it just isn't natural to live without any clutter. I've already started my war on clutter, it's going on Ebay bit by bit.

    1. I'm hoping by posting to get accountability. My dirty washing is out here now: hopefully you'll keep popping by to check on me and ask me how I'm doing!

  2. Well done you for getting to grips with your clutter - every single one of us has it somewhere. My nemesis is the bedroom that can either look saintly or like a whirling dervish has gone through it! My way of dealing with it is to ask myself whether I am likely to use it in the next x months, or whether I have used it recently. If not and if it has no sentimental value, it has to go. I have massively reduced the amount of 'stuff' we have knocking around and it does feel so much better. Just imagine what kind of things you could do with the empty / repurposed rooms when you have de-cluttered them, it is amazing how much energy that alone can give you!

    Good luck!

    Tash over at

    1. I know clutter clearing can be so beneficial..... Time is the enemy. I'm a great procrastinator! But no longer. It will all go.

  3. Good luck with your quest to reclaim your house! Well done, you've taken the first step in tackling it.

    1. Thank you Nadine! Is your blog Nellie Dean? I must come and visit!

  4. I suspect that most of us have stuff that would be better out of our houses. I knew we do! Good luck with your sorting. :o)

    1. Thank you! I had an hour in the garage and a session on Freecycle.... It's looking better already!

  5. Good on you for taking an honest look at it and deciding to do something to change it. You'll feel so much better I'm sure.

    Toss, toss, toss!

  6. Thanks Ali! I know I will. I've read so many simple living blogs and books that say there is a great lift in the spirit and mentally that comes from releasing clutter. I need that catharsis this year!


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