An Award and my reply (better late than never)

Jan at Softie's Place nominated me for an award! The Liebster award is for blogs with less than 300 followers; that's me! Thank you!
Here are the rules;
“The Liebster Award is for bloggers with under 300 followers and the rules of the award is that the nominee must link back to whoever awarded them, write 11 random facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions from the award giver, and then nominate another 11 bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer. It’s a great way for new and undiscovered bloggers to meet new people, get more followers and find some blogs that they want to follow.”

Softie's Place answered her award here. I got this last week (or the week before... oops!) but this is the first chance I've had to do the post.
My random facts;
1. My little finger on my left side is smaller than the right. I think this shows I'm highly evolved. My brothers say it makes me a mutant. Hey! I can be an X Man!

2. I love Paris. I would love to live there for a year, but I think my time for that has passed. :(
Dancing in front of the Musee D'Orsay
3. My favourite colour is red. Red red red. See the photo above for my bag colour.
4. The only car accident I have had so far and hopefully ever will, was into the Chief Constable of Merseyside. He wasn't driving, his fully anti-terrorist avoidance techniques trained driver was. And I was only 19 and still managed to get them full on in the side. Whoops.
5. I really enjoyed giving birth. If you know anybody who needs a positive birth story, I am it.
6. I am going to write a book someday. It's the only thing left on my wish list to do.
7.My project this year is to get the house finally FINALLY sorted. We've lived here eleven years. I want to get rid of the boxes that are in the attic and have been since we moved in.
8. I love rollercoasters, but I haven't been on one in twenty years.
9. My favourite food is confit of duck. I will learn how to make it. I will.
10. Eleven is a hard number. I like five best.
11. My nickname is the Christmas Fairy.

Here are the answers to Softie's  Eleven Questions:
 1.Where would you travel to for your dream vacation? Easy; Paris. Anytime.
 2. What is your favorite dessert? For a second I read this as desert. The Gobi? No seriously. My favourite dessert is Tiramisu. Love it.
3. Do you prefer mountain views or ocean views? The Ocean. Especially the view from a cottage we borrow in Wales.

 4. In how many different places have you lived? Since birth, 4. Since marriage, only two. And when you say places I have only lived in two towns; Rainhill and Liverpool. I like railways because if you live in Rainhill it's the only famous thing that has ever happened there.
 5. Which do you prefer a wedding band or wedding set? A wedding band. At the moment it's the only ring I'm wearing.
6. Did you have any input in choosing your wedding ring or was it a surprise? I chose it. He paid.
7. Saver or spender? (blush) sp...sp...spender (sorry)
 8. What is your favorite film or movie? I have loads..... but I like A Few Good Men, Jane Eyre, Amelie, Star Wars, Thor.....

9. Vintage or Modern? Vintage or vintage style. I'm an old fashioned gal.
10. Do you have a favorite quote? The days are long but the years are short. I know this from personal experience. How I wonder where the time has gone since my babies were.... well, babies.
11. What made you laugh or smile the most this week? I visited an art gallery with my brood for someone's homework. They got bored after a while and began to play assassin. That's where they try and creep up behind me and frighten me. Watching them creep around trying to be invisible is so funny. And I just went off to have a cup of tea instead.

My questions to other people;
1. What was the best advice anyone ever gave you?
2. What clothing do you like best?
3. Where would you like your heart to be buried? (like Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee)
4. How do you prefer your eggs?
5. What was your favourite toy when you were young?
6.Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?
7. Why did you pick your blogname or online name?
8. Do you have a favourite cocktail?
9. What is your favourite time of year?
10. What was the silliest thing anybody ever said to you?
11. When in history would you like to have lived? (you can take some modern conveniences with you if you like)

And my bloggers that I would like to pass this on to.....
Everyday Life on a Shoestring
Keren Baker's Blog
The Cookie Jar
Not Your Average Zoe
Jumble and Jelly
Through the Keyhole
Not eleven because there are people I would pass the award on to who have already done it. Here are links to them instead.
Tales from a Happy House
My Blethering Blog
Softie's Place
I hope you all have a good week and I'll be back again soon!


  1. OOO, Paris and Tiramisu can not go wrong with either of those. I loved your answers and getting to know you better. Thanks for playing along. I am going to check out your blog recommendations later this evening. I have to check out Amelie too. I have not seen it but my son mentioned to me that he thought I would enjoy it. Now that I have heard you mention it too I am going to put it on my list.

  2. Wow! Thanks. Will get onto this asap! Xxx

  3. Thanks so much for thinking of me, Jem. I really appreciate it. :o)

    By the way, I'm not sure if you know that you're a no-reply commenter? That means I can't e-mail you back when you comment on my blog. If you do know and want to stay that way, that's absolutely fine. I just wanted to let you know in case you didn't know.

    And now you know why I called my blog "my blethering blog" ... because I can even blether in the comment box! LOL

  4. Congratulations on the award, well deserved, and thank you so much for passing it on to me, I shall post about it shortly. I enjoyed reading your answers to the questions, it's always nice to get to know bloggy friends a little better.

  5. I like reading more about fellow blogger. must be the curious (read nosy) part of me!
    Thank you for passing it on to me, very much appreciated. Although I do normally struggle to find the time to do these justice but I will try!
    Lisa x


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