What would you least like to happen to you on your first day of proper work?

That is to say, temporary part time, not permanent full time (or even part time which would be lovely!)
I have a two term contract to provide sen support and PPA (planning preparation and, er, whatever) cover at a local school. Today was my first day so what would throw me most;

a. The Princess throwing a fit and refusing a pair of tights on the flimsy technicality that they were too small?
b. My car dying on the path... no lights, no painful chug chug as I turn over the engine, no nothing?
c. The complete absence of taxis on a road that, usually, has a steady stream of the blasted things?
d. All of the above.

Ah Ha! The answer is NONE! Well, they all happened and, yes, life would have been easier had they not but I am a fully functioning Human Being and I rose above. Ha Ha Ha. I cadged a lift to school off DH (I love him) and got there just in time (muchas apologias) and then walked 3 or three and a half miles home. I am strong, I am invincible, I am Woman. (with blisters and sore calves. You don't sit down as a teacher anyway. You can have too much of a good thing)

And Mr AA (I love him, too. No not really, just metaphorically) came to rescue Rocky. Apparently when we moved the seat to fit in the Billy bookcase I got at the YMCA shop in Rainhill for £25 instead of a full-price £70 (completely perfect order, too!) the battery connection was jiggled off kilter and, so, it died. Rocky is on probation. I have warned him that any misbehaviour will be severely reprimanded with a replacement (when I have a proper job) so he had Better Watch Out.
And I can drive to work tomorrow, and meet DH for lunch afterwards as planned today. Not cancelled, just postponed.

The photos are from Barcelona. We went in December and I will post a report.......


  1. Congrats on the proper temporary job...sod's law isn't it that everythings goes wrong just on this particular day...but you are strong, onwards and upwards!
    Barcelona....ooh look forward to hearing all about that trip!

  2. Hooray for you invincible woman! My car is also on a final warning, but I am secretly hoping it hangs on, because the disgusting mess my children can make in the back should not be inflicted on another vehicle. Semi decomposed apple cores anyone? Mmmm - though not.

  3. All's well that ends well, but, it sounds as though Rocky had better watch out! Love these pics and am looking forward to hearing all about the trip, not to mention seeing the bargain bookcase in situ.

  4. All's well that ends well, but, it sounds as though Rocky had better watch out! Love these pics and am looking forward to hearing all about the trip, not to mention seeing the bargain bookcase in situ.

  5. Well done you!! It takes more than tantrums, broken cars and no transport to defeat a strong capable woman :) Congratulations on the job and I hope it is everything you hope it will be,
    Lesley xxx

  6. Congratulations on the job, even if it is only temporary you will wow them with your skills and they will surely want you to stay! (And obviously give you a part time job with hours to suit you!)

    (and thank you for you comment ;) )

  7. Oh! I peeked at the picture first -- I thought you were going to say a bunch of geese were blocking your path to get to work LOL! You ARE Woman -- Well Done!

  8. Oh dear, sounds like quite a start for your first day! But I am pleased to read that you indeed did rise to the occasion and made it through the day!

    Thank you for your nice and encouraging comments in my blog. I do find crocheting both therapeutic and addictive, and so far my ripple blanket has grown (but still looking ever so colourful...)

  9. Phew - what a day!! Wonderwoman that you are, I bow to your greatness... no seriously, I do!! I walk a 2 mile round trip to and from work each day and that is fine but I cannot imagine adding tantrums, emotional and exciteable children and an extra mile and a half to that - sheesh - YOU GO GIRL!!!

  10. Hi, Jo, thank you for stopping by. Hope you get that clutter-bug going too. I've tackled 2 messy spots already & have more to go.

    So nice to meet you & I hope you'll come back & visit again. Your pics are lovely.


  11. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. Poor you, I remember the first day back to school after Christmas so well in Liverpool. The car was always frozen and the only way in was through the hatch! (We had a Fiesta) Never a taxi to be had at 8.30am on a cold and frosty morning. LOL

  12. Oh dear... still at least it turned out ok in the end and you can feel virtuous after your walk!

    Glad to see you back Missus! Hope you are enjoying the Job?

  13. I read your whole post while holding my breathe!
    After having a day like you have had I always feel like that we (women)can handle anything!
    thanks for stopping by my blog, it's nice to meet you.

  14. Thanks for comments, and congratulations on the new job!

  15. Did you all go as a family to Barcelona? My children loved the street artists on Les Ramblers.


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