I'm ready for that Friday Feeling!

I haven't had a proper Friday feeling in 10 years. Tomorrow I am so looking forward to walking out on a Friday knowing I'll be back on the Monday and that there are two glorious days of endless possibilities ahead (which translates into a mad dash to get the washing, ironing and clothes mountains cleared before I make tea for my Ma and Dad who have a funeral to attend on Saturday)

Mmm, that Friday feeling. I am having a good time in this job; so far this week I have taught in 5 different classes and 2 different age groups. No rest for the wicked, I know. But I will be teaching small groups on Monday in my own little base where I can finally finally have a little teaching space of my own. And they are a friendly bunch. Today I got asked did I want to stay for lunch tomorrow because on a Friday they have sandwiches to celebrate Friday..... and cake for people's birthday, and Christmas chocolates and biscuits in the staff room, and they all don't mind pointing me in the right direction and I like work more than I thought I would, but not enough to want full time yet. But this is before they pay me, too, which will be better.

And tomorrow is Friday.


  1. Glad to hear the new job is going well. The great thing about going out to work is having Friday's to look forward to:)
    Enjoy the laundry. I've been home all week and still have a mountain of the stuff!
    Lesley xx

  2. Thank crunchie it's Friday!
    I am so glad that the job is going well!

  3. Glad the job is going well! Teaching has got to be one of the most rewarding jobs there is! (If not the best compensated!!) Thanks for the pictures - I visited Spain AGES ago when I was attending University, and I still love it!

    I'm thinking about starting a new blog...I've seen so many support groups for girls who want to lose the weight. How about those of us who have learned to live with a little bit of chub, but can't seem to get yesterday's breakfast dishes cleaned before tomorrow's dinner? Wanna join? ;-) We need a little commiseration, too!

  4. I'm aching for the weekend and i don't even HAVE a job!! Fridays still feel great though.

  5. Good news the job is going well and where would we be without Fridays!

    Are those pictures from Barcelona? Gaudi?


  6. Oh, I know so well that Friday feeling !...


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