Wednesday Wind Up: 29th March 2017 Beauty and the Beast

It's been so long since I posted a wind up!! I can hardly remember the categories. I'll make them up for today.

I'm reading ... well, nothing in particular. I was supposed to read Ben Elton's Two Brothers for Book Club on Monday, but I missed it due to the funeral and didn't have to admit that I hadn't actually finished it. I like it so far.

Next month's book is The Alchemist by Paul Coelho. Fortunately I read that a few years ago, and it's short, so I might just quickly read it and then finish the other one.

Apart from a mess, I'm still supposed to be making the hygge shawls from the Scheepjes CAL this year. Time in the evenings seems to have been at a premium, so my CAL sits in a corner, unloved, unwanted and undone. This weekend, I promise, I'll get my mojo back and go for it hell for leather. If I could just catch up with the embroidery part....

On TV we're still watching Game of Thrones as a family. I never thought anything of it until James said that the lads at school couldn't decide whether it was creepy or cool to have parents who a. watched that sort of thing and b. watched it in the same room as you. We're on Series 5, so everybody knows what's coming up but Peter doesn't. Guess whose face we'll be watching as the plots unfold???

At the cinema we went to watch Beauty and the Beast last night. When I say 'we', I mean my daughter, her friend and I. We actually took the lads to the cinema as well, but they watched Power Rangers. I'm thinking we got the best of the deal.

The tickets were bought through the Meerkats Movies scheme, so 5 of us got in for the price of 3. It's still pricey, at £27 for us all, but an £18 saving is not to be sniffed at.

This month, I've really enjoyed the Weekend With... series that I've been running on How to Hygge the British Way. Every week, I interview a blogger whose blog doesn't say hygge in the title, but whose writing is hyggely; based around family or friends, comfort, happiness or nature. That's nearly every blogger I know, then. So far very few people have said no, even some Big blog stars, which goes to show you don't ask, you don't get.
You can read the past few weeks via these links:

Above the River

A Colourful Life

Attic 24

I'm still busy working at my desk for Peter, but I've also started to carve regular time to keep working on my writing. After publishing the first book, I'm pressing straight on with Summer Hygge. I figured it's the right year and the right time of year to get it out. Who knows, there may be a whole series of Hygge books inside me! All I know is I'm enjoying watching the sales of 50 Ways to Hygge the British Way go up, little by little, and that I love hygge, so getting summer hygge out there is a good idea.

Oh, I have missed just blogging for pleasure. I love How to Hygge the British Way, but it's a blog with a purpose. I have to look at everything through the lens of hygge. Here, if I think it I can write it and nobody expects perfection. I hope you don't, anyway? And if you want to connect with me further, please find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I follow everyone.


  1. I've never read any of Ben Elton's books, I used to like him when he did his stand up but I'm sure his books will be very different. I don't think Game of Thrones is for me, I remember Daniel having a Game of Thrones fest when he was trying to catch up with it and each time I walked in to the room there was either a sex scene or some violence and I had to walk out again, I'm very squeamish. Hope the book's doing well, the Summer Hygge will be interesting, I think many people associate hygge with hunkering down, blankets, candles etc. but I think it's all about getting out there in the fresh air too.

    1. Yes, poor hygge got rather done to death as a winter thing but of course taken correctly it's very much an all year thing. I'm hoping to get the new book out within the month.

  2. Hi, I think you've commented on my blog a couple of times & I've mixed you up with A Hidden Gem who comments too. So here I am having a wee look this morning & funny about your Hygge, as I've just purchased a book about it through Book Depository as I've another blogging friend who practices it. It may even arrive this morning as 2 others I bought came Thursday. I'll have a little look at some other posts over the weekend & thanks for popping into my blog. Have a good weekend & take care.

    1. Thanks for calling by! Which blogging friend practises it? And which book have you bought?

  3. Hi I found my over here I wanted to read more but the layout was really muddled on my screen (maybe I have the wrong settings) anyway, I liked poking around. Jo x

    1. You mean you couldn't read the whole post? What are you reading it on? I hope it's not a permanent issue. Good to have you here anyway x

  4. You can tell how much you love blogging for pleasure from this post! Love it!

  5. Great post, I love reading about what people have been up to. I promise I will get my Hygge post to you soon! I went off Game of Thrones after the third series when I started to feel squeamish about the violence. But it's so good - maybe I should start watching it again, although not with my kids... Anyway, you've written a book! That's more than most of us can say. Amazing stuff, well done you. xx

  6. Hope the Summer book is coming along well. I reckon B&TB was the better movie out of the two choices!
    I haven't seen any GOT as yet and I don't think I'm likely to either too either. I think it's fab that you have found something you can all enjoy together though.
    Lisa x


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