Happy Mother's Day. A DIY day..... so far

Happy Mother's Day so far. I hope if you have children, then you've organised them rather better than I have my own. So far I have made my own breakfast, bought my own present, written the shopping list and even read an Improving Book. I'm feeling weary and wondering what to do with the afternoon.

It's a good job there's no football on this afternoon or I'm sure the pressure to watch it would be the last straw. As it is, I've been told that I will not be able to Finish Off the Bedroom Clean that I was doing yesterday because there is Important Work for DH to do.

So my list for the weekend has sort of gone South. I think I shall alter it. The sun is shining, and the meal I'm going to make for my parents is an easy slam in the oven one, so I may set off for a walk in the woods to clear my mood.And any spare time I have left, I'll get on with my Hygge CAL. I'm well behind with it. The idea of crochet with embroidery was irresistible, but really I need the time to get on with it.

Time is a limited commodity. I think I need to take more time to do the things I want to. Does that sound selfish? Because when I try that then the other people I share the house with lay on the guilt and say things like "Why are you always on the computer writing when you should be cooking/talking/working for me?" I'm reading a book called Unclutter Your Life in One Week. It will, of course, take me longer than one week, but I think I need to start by uncluttering the inside of my own head. Perhaps I need to take breaks. I miss my time alone in the house. I read posts by housewives and mothers and find myself longing for the days when I could have said,"Today I will clean my bedroom" and, apart from having to finish at 3pm to collect children, the time was mine to gloriously do with as I wished.
Perhaps I just need to do this

more often.


  1. I hope your day is improving. I'm not seeing either of my children this Mother's Day, sob sob, but they have sent cards and gifts.

    1. Ah, you see, there's the advantage of them not being there: you get the cards and presents. I really think today that if mine were living away from home I'd have to buy the cards and presents for them to send to me anyway. I'm having a better afternoon. And I shall be thinking of you as a great Mother today!

  2. Hello! Thanks for popping by my blog. I did smile at your description of your Mother's Day. I have had similar in the past. Re your pondering on having more time, it sounds as if you know what to do already, you just need to give yourself permission to do it :o) x

    1. It's giving yourself the permission that I struggle with. And yet, if it were for physical ailments I'd not even flinch. Why is it harder to give oneself a break over stress or feeling out of sync?

    2. Guilt? In which case it's about other people's perceptions instead of what's right for you. Never an easy one to bottom out. I take the view these days that an exhausted mother = a house that doesn't function so well and then everyone else malfunctions as a result. Time to put your feet up, eh? X

  3. Hmmm... We had Mother's Saturday Evening here because of commitments across the wider family. It was lovely to catch up with everyone. My lovely husband made sure that I had a gift to open (from the cat!). I hope that you can find 'the time to enjoy time' soon. Jx

    1. The guinea pigs even forgot to give me anything. Not a happy bunny. I think I might have to take a pause and make Easter a big thing this year instead.

  4. pretend to forget their birthdays.?Would that be a wake up call?

  5. I hope you managed to get that walk and so time to yourself. Did the big clear out in the bedroom get any further. Once we get into these things we like to see them through and feel the satisfaction of a good sort out.
    Lisa x

  6. Oh no, that sounds a bit sad! Yes, you SHOULD be able to take the time to do things for yourself like that- it must be very difficult!!x


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