Wednesday Wind Up...

On time for once!

What am I reading this week?
Claire Tomalin's biography of Hardy. In small bits.

And to go with that, The Hand of Ethelberta. It's a lesser-known Hardy, probably because it's not his rural idyll style, but a comedy of manners about a young girl who, having been a governess and married to the son of the house before being widowed and taken care of by her Mother in Law, finds herself without an obvious means of support and has to live with her natural family in a London town house, with her family acting as her servants while she tells stories and decides which titled character she might marry. I am enjoying it; there are some humorous moments.

What have I watched this week?
Game of Thrones series 1. We only watch this when Mr K is out of the house, because the blood and guts don't suit him (and the sex is very in your face as well. I don't want to go giving him ideas if I can help it). Tonight he's out at a meeting, so we may well start series 2.

The Man in the High Castle. On Amazon Prime. A very well-made series in which the USA has been split between Japan and the Nazi state. I'm watching that alone, so only when I clean the kitchen or sit on my bed alone. I need to introduce this to Mr Kneale. He'd really enjoy this, the alternative history novel is one of his favourite genres.

Amelie. It was my comfort watching on Sunday as I lay and felt dismal. I am much better now, but I think   I should watch this more often any way.

Where have I been this week?
Monday last I went to the WI fun quiz. I went last year and had tremendous fun, winning the Rainford heat with the WowPower team and then waiting a few weeks to discover we had won the NWF (North West Federation) fun  quiz overall.

We were defending champions last week and we won again. Added to my Chase win, it's a real confidence boost. I'm hoping that the WI magazine, WI Life, will feature me either next month or the month after. Exciting! It would be my first experience of being in a magazine as more than a letter on the letter page!

How has my spending gone this week?
Not bad. The children have birthdays coming up so I've been getting a couple of bits towards those, but otherwise my big expense this week was a TV series on Amazon, which was a Valentine present anyway.

What are my WIPs this week?
Sarah's blanket. I have a crocheted bag that needs a handle and lining, but it's waiting patiently for me to decide whether I want to set a zip into the side for a pocket or not.

Any Other Business?
No. It's a quiet week.


  1. Congratulations on your win, and you all got a beautiful orchid too. Mick and I used to go to a few pub quizzes many years ago, it's ages since we've been to one but we do enjoy quiz games. Our old Trivial Pursuit was so old that the questions were out of date so we bought a new one at Christmas, everyone enjoyed playing and we discovered that Daniel and Eleanor's girlfriend and boyfriend are just as competitive as we are.

    1. You do need somebody really competitive to play against or it's no fun! I was going to get the new Trivial Pursuit this year... is it any good?

    2. The questions are much better, though I think the 'up to date' version is from 2010 so still not totally current. You don't get as many questions as there were in the original game either but we've enjoyed playing it.

  2. Laughing out loud at not giving Mr Kneale any ideas in the bedroom department. Well done on winning the quiz, you're obviously on a winning streak - I hope you do the lottery! The orchids are beautiful. xx

    1. I do the lottery and I will win big some day, but not this week! (not yet!)

      And I'm glad I made you laugh.

  3. Congratulations on the quiz win!!! I am not surprised given your recent quizzing experience!! xx

    1. Thank you! I'm applying for a few more quiz shows. I enjoyed it that much!

  4. Hello lovely lady! I was having real issues finding which blog to comment on, so HA found you properly again!!! How cool you were on the Chase, that's fab! And to be in a magazine too! Oooh!!
    I LOVE Amelie, such a beautiful film!!! I love the clouds shaped like things, since that's what I love doing too!!x

    1. It's beautifully eccentric, isn't it?
      And I'm loving your blog. You're my kind of weird.

  5. Good luck with the magazine article.
    Amelie is such a lovely movie, I've not seen it for the longest time though, maybe this weekend I should make the effort seeing as it's going to be a wet one again.
    Lisa x

    1. Do. It's a really good pick-me-up on a cold, wet winter's day.

  6. I've always been slightly 'put off' reading Hardy but your current read sounds fun. I think I'll put it on my list of CS books to watch out for. Jx

    1. I'm enjoying reading it. Seeing when he writes what style of book is interesting.

  7. Yay, love GoT, although as you say, it's a bit near the mark on the sex and violence front. We've also enjoyed High Castle, I wonder if there'll be another series.
    Well done on the quiz win! xx


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