Gathering Dust Bunnies..... and Being A Bad Mother.

I'm trying (failing; trying again) to gather up my dust bunnies and banish them. Somehow, going public about being a Bunny wrangler was not the best thing to do. All the OCD (by which I mean reasonable housekeepers) at school were disgusted, and the slobs like me have nothing but praise about my feminist honesty. Nuts really, we do all have dust bunnies, don't we?

And artist Susanne Proulx has a good idea; she takes the dust and turns it into dust bunnies. At $375 a pop, I won't  be diving out to add to my collection. I googled Dust bunny to see what I could find, and just love this idea. I took the link from a post you can get to here; Follow the Piper/Dust Bunnies

Peter says I should see if there's a market for them here. I think he just wants me to start making decent money in any way possible. I'm thinking something more bunny and less dust like these would be better!

And I have another confession to make... I must be a very bad mother. I am letting my 15 year old (and my 13 year old daughter) watch Game of Thrones. It was my Christmas present to myself. In years gone by I could have watched it as I did the housework. Now I have to squeeze it in when I can, and that's mostly when the kids are there. It turns out that the lads have watched it mostly via Youtube, but they're enjoying watching it from start to finish. Sarah.... well, she's watching parts of it from behind a cushion. And I can't help but think that the need to be so.... full frontal.... with the sex and violence is unnecessary. It's a darned good story and I think I'd be watching it just for that.

And don't forget;


  1. Awww, I must admit that I prefer the Spring Bunnies to the Dust Bunnies. Game of Thrones definitely isn't for me, I don't like things so violent and I don't see the need for all the sex either. I sound like a prude now, which I'm not, honest. Daniel watched it back to back to catch up when he was home from uni one time and when I was around I made him turn it off, it's just not for me.

    1. I watched the first series ages ago, but it was the boys who wanted to watch it and we couldn't get Sarah out for long enough! She is really good at closing her eyes at times she needs to.

  2. I've got a warren full of dust bunnies under the bed. I move it and sweep under every month and it amazes me how quickly they multiply. Next time I go under there I might post a picture just for you. I'm neither ashamed nor proud because I don't do anything to discourage/encourage, they just appear! And I wouldn't be giving it a second thought if having them had helped me win £20K :)

    I don't think you're a bad mother, kids know a lot anyway these days, you should hear the conversations around our dining table. No topic is banned, but we do have to intervene with the actual facts sometimes. I'd probably be embarrassed to watch anything like that with them, but that's just me. xx

    1. It is apparently not the done thing to watch it with your parents. I whistle at the worst bits, or do a spot of frantic crochet work. It's funny, I don't mind the blood guts and gore, but the sex......

  3. Ha, you are funny, dust bunnies indeed!! I am far worse than you-my Hoover stopped working last February!!! I've borrowed one every so often from a friend! I'm scared of G o T but my husband loved it. My mum watched Lady Chatterley's lover with me in the room when I was about 12. I confess, I didn't like it but I'm still here and survived it!!!

    1. I think it helps that they know I like fantasy and have read the books. How twisted they grow up to be, I don't know, but if they grow up like me they'll do ok.

  4. Ha I love it, I'm sure my dust bunnies match your dust bunnies. Did people really react in horror how fascinating! I've never watched Game of Thrones as it's really not my cup of tea but I'm surprised my husband hasn't. I'm the bad mother that has let my son have X-box games that are way beyond his age range I don't always give him a limit time on playing them either. Saying that the one he gets angry over is the football one well within his age range! However I do firmly believe if you're brining your kids up well you know what they are capable of & what they can cope with. Take care xx

    1. Perhaps we should post all the dust bunnies on instagram with a hashtag!

  5. Those dust bunnies are incredible aren't they, it proves that where there is muck there is brass!! I don't think that I could bear to gather my dust to make them no matter how much they sold for! xx

    1. 'Where there's muck, there's brass'. I'd forgotten that wise saying.... and how true!

  6. Oh my I reckon there's a few hiding under the bed and down the back of the wardrobes. If you've got no dust then you probably spend too much time cleaning and living in a pristine house just isn't good for you.
    Lisa x

  7. Love them! I think most of my dust bunnies are made of real bunny too, extra authentic!

    I did once share a picture of the dust under my bed on my blog, who knows why.


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