A Heads Up for next Thursday....

Image result for the chase

OK, heads up, friends; I shall be writing a post at the weekend, but for all my blogmates out there; I am actually on the Chase this Thursday (7th January) at 5pm on ITV. As a contestant!!!! No details (I signed the contract!!) but if you want to see a walking, talking Angel Jem and to have a really good laugh, then watch me. I'll see you here on Friday!


  1. Oooh, exciting. I shall record it so that I don't miss it. I hope you beat the chaser, I'll be watching to find out.

  2. Exciting stuff, will set the recorder for it!
    Lisa x

  3. Ooh exciting. Will set the machine to tape it. My friend was on it the other year. She got really nervous. In the first part one of the questions was "In X (can't remember the country) they issued stamps flavoured with which of the following flavours, Beer, Chocolate or X. Quick as a flash she responded, I doubt it'll be beer as that may encourage you to lick things you shouldn't - meaning you may OD on stamps....... I still laugh at it. I hope if you didn't win, then you had tons of fun taking part. x

  4. How exciting, I shall try & catch you on the box.. Good luck! x

  5. I've never seen The Chase but I'll be recording it this week, then I'll have a claim to fame lol. xx

  6. ooh exciting, I've never seen it but I'll try and watch x

  7. We love The Chase here, can't wait to see you xx

  8. I've never seen this before ... but I'll definitely switch it on and look out for you! All the best, Jx

  9. So exciting!!! I have never watched this, but I have set the recorder to record it tomorrow so that I can watch you! I hope that you did well, but more than that I hope that you enjoyed it! xx

  10. Well done! I'm sure that was exciting. Hope you have a good 2016.

    1. It was a blast! I have never appeared on TV before, so the whole experience was a blast BEFORE we won!

  11. Many many congratulations. You were brilliant. Such a good team, you all contributed in the final chase and that's what creates success. Did you get your electric blue mini sd cooper?

    1. The Mini is under negotiation, but with 3 kids and an entrepreneur husband the money was earmarked for different things after some discussion!!

  12. Bloody amazing!!!!! I was cheering you on and whooped loudly when you did it, so very pleased for you.
    When's the mini arriving?
    You were fab.
    Lisa x

    1. It's under negotiation; I would like it within 12 months, so keep your eyes peeled.

  13. That was so nail biting! I was holding my breath for the last round and crossing my fingers for you! Well done, you were fantastic!!

    1. Thank you! Standing up for over-40, over-weight, over-worked women everywhere!

  14. Ooh I was biting my nails when the Chaser was doing so well and whooping when he got knocked back. Well done. x

    1. Thank you! Will your nails grow back, or do you want to sue me for acrylic extensions?

    2. Ooh I never thought about that - going off to ring a no win no fee number :-)

    3. I know a really good lawyer; 100% compensation, No win-no fee and he's cuddly in a cold bed at night!

  15. How exciting! You played really well and looked so calm. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself.

    1. I LOVED it; I would honestly go for it again! It felt so natural to be there answering questions against a Doctor; just like being at Mum's house when we were little (two of my brothers are Doctors as well!)

  16. I've just spotted this and hope you had a wonderful time and it sounds like you did really well - it's not a programme I'm familiar with but it's certainly very exciting! xx

    1. You should watch it; My episode is available on ITV Hub or Catch up TV. It was a blast to do; such good fun, and a real confidence boost!


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