Bleurch. That's how you spell how I feel.


I wasn't at school yesterday and the only thing I am doing today is pushing keyboard buttons to type a blog entry.

I slept from.... well, I suppose I actually slept from 11pm on Thursday night to 4.30am this morning, give or take a 2 hour spot yesterday (timed nicely to coincide with the Chase and the Twitter feed) and then tossed and turned for a couple of hours before sleeping in until 11 this morning. My Saturday will be a quiet one, I fear, with Sunday being a chance to recuperate before school on Monday and another wearying, bone-tiring week. I am not feeling the joys of January. Not. One.Bit.

So apologies again; I am behind with my blog reading, blog commenting and blog writing. I hope to get a pattern in my life at last this week and be back with Menu Monday, Wind Up Wednesdays and Fridays. For now I am going to snuggle up and grab a hook to see if I can get any further with the Princess' blue blanket. I saw Posy's Instagram feed with a beautiful black edged blanket much like the one I have in mind for my bed and I want to make it NOW!!!.....

But I have to finish HER blanket first. Wish me luck. Can I make a blanket in a month? I don't know, but I will try....

Bleurch. Excuse me, I'm off again......


  1. Oh, look after yourself, Jem. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I've bookmarked you!!
    Well done on your win on The Chase (I've just read back on your blog!) How wonderful.

  2. Sorry to hear you're not feeling too well. Your recuperation process of bed, crochet and a good book to read sounds perfect. Take it easy and look after yourself. xx

  3. With you on January - only one day left. Get well soon and half term on horizon. By the way meant to congratulate you on The Chase win too. You were so cool.

  4. Hope you're taking it easy and feel much better soon. I've got every faith in you crocheting a blanket in a month, if anyone can do it, you can.

  5. Sorry to hear you are feeling so awful, I hope you soon feel better, there are some nasty bugs around. Hope you managed to make a bit of progress with the blanket for Princess.
    Caz xx


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