Wednesday Wind Up
What am I reading this week? I finished The Ice Twins over the weekend. It was a really good book; a sort-of chillingly twisted book, where the Mum coming to terms with the death of one of her twin daughters is suddenly thrown off balance when the surviving daughter suddenly says that she is actually the other daughter. Is she being haunted or possessed by her sister? Did the father do something to them? And why if the family are so screwed would they go to a remote island off the coast of Skye? At a certain point I just had to read on until I fell asleep clutching my Kindle. Now I'm reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time and enjoying it. Yes, I am late to this party but it's been picked as the October book club book and the meeting is on Monday. 30% through; will I make it in time? What have I watched this week? We broke open a Christmas DVD in desperation last Tuesday and watched Avengers: Age of Ultron [DVD] . We went to the cinem...