
Half term creeps up like a recalcitrant child; not too keen to give you a break from the drudgery of daily life, slowly slowly approaching until... at last..... don't speak too loudly..... it -is-here.

And like a hurricane on the heels comes the sudden stopping that is the first cold of winter. I said it before, I'm saying it again; Winter is Coming. And I am involuntarily on a sudden stop here. It started as a sore throat and has turned to sniffles. Everybody else has been packed off to church, and I am luxuriating in an hour of illness in a quiet house, with computer, TV and window to provide entertainment.

A good audio book (Thomas Cromwell on Audible) and a good project (by Alan Dart; a knitting project for the first time in years) and I am feeling relaxed. It's a stressed illness, I usually catch whatever at the end of a term and this year I am more stressed than ever, so perhaps this sniffle has hit me quicker than ever. I hope that the freedom I have planned this week will let me build up a layer of resistance both physically and emotionally.


  1. Definitely been there and done that so often. Make sure you take all the time you need and shift the bug. Lots of hugs and hope your yarnyness does the trick.

    1. Thank you! I really enjoyed the free time (over already!) and I have a few more plans set out for Christmas now; hopefully as long as the sun shines a little I can capture them on film and post them up here!

  2. I do hope you're feeling better soon, it's no fun at all being ill in the holidays. I hope the family are waiting on you today whilst you put your feet up and relax. Wow, a knitting project, can't wait to hear more about that, and I'm loving the colours in your crochet blankie, there's nothing so snuggly when you're ill.

    1. Thank you. They are looking after me; lunch made for me and regular cups of tea. The blanket is my ripple from here; At last the weather is just right for snuggling beneath!

  3. I was glad to read in the comments that you are being well taken care of. Rest and relax this stressful season will pass in time. Brighter days will come round.

    1. Thank you. I know the time will pass. As Julian of Norwich said, way way back; "All shall be well, and all shall be well"
      Thank God for half term!

  4. Hope you will rest and feel better after a bit of knitty therapy :)

    1. Monday and feeling better already; I sewed and knitted today. Hopefully I can take loads of photos tomorrow (if the light is good enough) and share my busy-ness with every one!

  5. Hope you feel better soon, your blanket looks great, nice and bright. And knitting, always a great tonic!!

    1. Knitting and just making bits is so therapeutic! Thanks for dropping by x


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