Tidying up the computer, look what I found....

And there's still 58 days left. Deep joy.

Crafters (like magazine editors) work Christmas from early summer until the day itself. I have my list (a virtual list on Evernote this year) and I am ploughing merrily on with crafting, creating and carefully squirrelling away the bits that will make this Christmas, well, the best Christmas ever, of course. Although I'm too realistic for that, actually, so I'll settle for a reasonable Christmas with enough to eat, no big squabbles and a little dusting of snow on the day.
I've been crocheting, sewing and planning decor and I hope by December 1st (when Christmas really begins) to have a shed load of photos to share this year.  It struck me looking back over the blog that I'm usually so busy having a Christmas that I don't have time to record a Christmas. And some how a retrospective in January seems so.... silly. Perhaps I should take a day a week this year to put my Christmas memories into order, to look back and what worked and what didn't and to say what I really remember about each year.  I might just do that. Working backwards, of course, and starting with last year. And then I would feel so toasty and Christmassy that this year would be the happiest Christmas, based in the past, the present and the future.With a heavy dose of Morecambe and Wise, of course.


  1. There's nothing wrong at all with having Christmas instead of recording it, shows you're enjoying it if you haven't got time to document it all. I have to say that I'm looking forward to Christmas already, it's my favourite time of year. I've just had a delivery of a few gifts I've bought from The Book People and I bought a couple of new tree ornaments when I was in Wetherby recently. I've even got the advent calendars stashed away waiting for the 1st of December. It'll be here before we know it.

    1. Too true! As a house we celebrate the whole month, so Christmas starts on the first Sunday of Advent!!
      The Book People are ideal for gifts; we generally end up with at least one box set each at their prices! And you keep reminding me; I need the chocolates for the calendars.

  2. With the start of November it wont be long until the decorations are down from the lift and we stuff the advent calendars with chocolate. I just love it all. Sometimes it's hard to find the time to record it all too I agree but enjoying has got to be the priority.
    Hope you are feeling better.
    Lisa x


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