For years when mine were little, we studiously avoided Hallowe'en. We went to the Church's Light Party (if fancy dress was in order, it was superheroes, or princesses not witches or skeletons) and made little or no adjustment to the daily order, so no bobbing for apples, peeling skins for divination or any thing that smacked of magicality at all. It worked for us; we didn't go Trick or treating, and those who visited us were politely told, "We don't celebrate Hallowe'en here" The children grew up sensible and well-adjusted, they don't do gross horror films and I'm proud of them. This year they are all old enough to make up their own mind. The lads are easy; if it involves effort, then they're not bothered. But the Princess is a great joiner, and wants to be part of her group. So when a friend invited her to a Hallowe'en party I gave her the option; of course the answer was yes. "I'm not celebrating Hallowe'en," she said,...
I should be decorating and painting, but Im blogging instead! Not wise to try and do both at the same time, because the paint makes a mess on the keyboard (trust me I know) LOL! X