I love Domesticali's New category of things;

"small elements of my home that I do not detest and that I have photographed so as to eliminate all traces of dirt and detritus".

I love reading all the blogs on my list. I love reading all the house books that I can lay my hands on, ripping them to pieces and sticking them into my inspiration books. I won't get into how much more time I have to actually do things around my house if I don't go on t'internet and how much more money I would have available if I didn't have this programmed need to buy buy buy .....

I admire the true homemakers, I really do. I have a hankering to have a successful business, clean house and a family who can find matching socks without looking in three different places and finally finding the match half way behind the sofa cushion where it's been for three weeks so that I have to wash it before they can wear it and they either have to wear it wet, in which case I worry about pneumonia, or start again on the quest for a pair with another singleton. I have been known to tell them that as long as they can justify the relationship, they can wear the socks; Buzz Lightyear goes with Zurg, Star Wars and Dr Who are both Sci-fi, both socks originally were white and now have a faint pink tinge, you know what I mean.

Until quite recently my own house has been in a nasty case of crap-itus. Every surface, every cupboard, every shelf full to busting and no where safe to sit and relax. I did post some pictures when I started this blog of the "Toy Room" (from hell). I must post the pictures that show what it looks like now..... I am nearly proud. Just labels.... but I digress. What I mean to say is that there were no corners of my home I loved. Well, perhaps the bed, but only if I were in it, and not to look at which I think made it a bit of a one night fling, as in one night I'll get out of you and make you into a boudoir (french for sulking room.... what's romantic about that?) but until then I'll fling everything around. So when I read Domesticali's title for a new category of place, "small elements of my home that I do not detest and that I have photographed so as to eliminate all traces of dirt and detritus". it stuck a real chord with me. There are elements of my home that I do not detest, there really are, and I should celebrate them. Tomorrow if the weather is good I can take better pictures, but for now here is my new favourite place.

My spice cupboard. I did a Simple Abundance on it. I emptied it, I threw away anything that could protest about being thrown away, I stocked up on new and spicy spices, I transferred herbs etc into little and pretty pots, but most crazily of all, I lined it with a flowery wallpaper (50p a roll in B&Q's sale) and made it into its own little boudoir.

I want to line the shelves with lace, simply because I want some shelves to line with lace and these are the least public shelves I have. No one uses them but me, no one else has a reason to.

This is my little oasis of calm and tranquility and, a week later, it is still tidy, I still smile when I open the door and I still enjoy using the spices. With thanks and apologies to Domesticali, one of my heroes, I would love to nick your category. For the domestically dyslexic (and I think I am), it has to be one of the best ways to explain how we feel.

By the way, Happy 4th of July to all the Americans.... I'd ask you over to a tea party but if you come from Boston, it would be a waste of good tea (!) Have a good Independence day & it's nice to see our American Cousins in good party form!


  1. Oh...I love your spice cupboard...what a great idea!

  2. You actually now have a very sweet spice cupboard...very inspirational too! My cupboards need some serious organizing (as in sometimes the doors don't shut all the way!) so maybe this will be the push I need. Thanks! :)

  3. put the lace in why not? I wish I had a tidy cupboard like that Mary

  4. A spice boudoir - I love it! Get the lace, and woe betide anyone who helps themselves to Cayenne Pepper and messes it up...

    Hell, it's all about celebrating the small things isn't it? There's currently a 3 foot spiders web hanging from my kitchen light and the worst thing is, having spotted it, I have come upstairs to blog without removing it. Natural born slob or what?!

  5. That's really pretty, and I should get my act together to do something similar. I need to find some corners I love, because right now, I'm not loving many bits of my clutter ridden home. Oh, maybe the kitchen, in the five minutes after I've tidied it up before someone else (ahem) goes in and messes it up. Gah.

  6. Nice cupboard. Funny post - I especially liked your version of a one night fling. And the sock hunt. It's nice to know I'm in good company when it comes to housekeeping.
    I like to make a clear delineation between homemaking and housekeeping. Don't sell yourself short!

  7. It is so nice to have things all nice and tidy it makes you fell more positive but it is just getting there that is the problem:-)
    Alison x

  8. It's so good to hear that other people have the sock problem too. I currently have a pile of George's socks sitting in the Kitchen that are all without other halves. Seriously, there are about 8 single socks! We only live in a one bedroom flat so where do they all go?! I swear the washing machine eats them.
    Love the new spice cupboard. I too am struggling to find an area of our home that I love, but looking at the smallest areas is a good idea. My cupboards are definitely in need of some reorganisation. You've inspired me today.
    By the way, cushion and frame will go in the post tomorrow. Sorry for the slight delay!

  9. Love your cupboard!! Is Simple Abundance good?- I keep reading about it! X

  10. How lovely! - I think the addition of some lace would be just the thing. The sock question raised it's ugly head in my house this very morning - poor girl child didn't have two white ones that matched (hangs head in shame and heads to Tescos on a sock buying expedition...)

  11. I think tackling small areas is the way to go - my whole messy house is overfacing so I end up doing nothing! I'll take a leaf out of your book..or spice cupboard and start with something that will please me

  12. Yes, yes, I love it!! I love the feeling you get when you open a door or a cupboard to a place that you know is in order. A place that has everything where it should be and also, as you have done with your cupboard, a place where everything is beautiful.
    I am a true fan of that feeling and as someone who is in chaos due to decorating right now I really can't wait to be feeling it again!!!

    Cherry xx

  13. it is so good for the soul to clear out a cupboard or other cluttered space that is bothering you...your spices look great in those dinky jars too!

  14. You would love the Practical Magic house!!! I'm just finding your comments on my old blog posts and am enjoying reading them-thanks for visiting me again!!

  15. Sorry me again- forgot to say that the dresser shelves are edged with gingham ribbon, I staple-gunned it on (those school wall-staplers come in very handy!!!)
    You should get a Pashley trike- they have some fab ones on Ebay, I'm always looking at the Pashley's on there!Hope you get your little summer-house one day...

  16. Great post! Like you I love to see the beautiful homes shared with us in blogs but my home definitely fits into the "small elements of my home that I do not detest and that I have photographed so as to eliminate all traces of dirt and detritus" category! Lovely idea to pick out the small corners that do make you happy,hope it inspires you to create more pleasing corners.


  17. I think we must have at least 4 or 5 cupboards that need that treatment - there seems to be a lot of "stuff" everywhere that we accumulate, but alot of the time I don't have the gusto to do much about it :( Would like some energy! But well done on your hard work - it looks great!

  18. Your post struck such a chord. I have just had a week off work and with every best intention to "do" my cupboards I only managed to create more mess. Yours is looking truly delicious - and that wallpaper was a cute bargain. Mary

  19. Ha ha so I'm not the only one with a sock problem and a house bursting at the seams with stuff!

  20. would I trust you at WI? Only if you didnt correct my spelling mistakes.

  21. Hi Jem, Sorry I did not reply to your email, I have had a busy time looking after a poorly daughter. Yes I am really that old, but only in years that I have been on earth. I am very young at heart.
    Since leaving uni I have been sorting cupbords ect, It takes ages because you have to decide what to keep and what to throw.

  22. If I ever opened my cabinets and saw such clean organization... I might pass out.

  23. Love the spice cupboard.
    i seriously need to sort out my kitchen cupboards. The larder is full of loads of half empty packets pf pasta and there is the pit of doom which is the cupboard full of tupperware boxes, none of which have lids that fit!


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