Bleurch. That's how you spell how I feel.

Bleurch. I wasn't at school yesterday and the only thing I am doing today is pushing keyboard buttons to type a blog entry. Bleurch. I slept from.... well, I suppose I actually slept from 11pm on Thursday night to 4.30am this morning, give or take a 2 hour spot yesterday (timed nicely to coincide with the Chase and the Twitter feed) and then tossed and turned for a couple of hours before sleeping in until 11 this morning. My Saturday will be a quiet one, I fear, with Sunday being a chance to recuperate before school on Monday and another wearying, bone-tiring week. I am not feeling the joys of January. Not. One.Bit. So apologies again; I am behind with my blog reading, blog commenting and blog writing. I hope to get a pattern in my life at last this week and be back with Menu Monday, Wind Up Wednesdays and Fridays. For now I am going to snuggle up and grab a hook to see if I can get any further with the Princess' blue blanket. I saw Posy 's Instagram feed with a be...