Dolce far Niente.... prego!

The last few weeks at school are always a mad race. I'm finding that between actual timetabled work, the extra time I give because time is so short and my extra curricular lessons I give from home, apart from everyday life as a wife and mother, that my life is beginning to resemble one of these;

And I don't do well when life gets like that. I don't do multi tasking. I just stop.

So the time has come, dear readers, to apologise again and to say that I shall be here again come September in a regular rhythm and pattern of writing, reading and responding, but that this summer I am practising the art of Dolce Far Niente. I haven't read Eat Pray Love (yet) but this might be the summer that I do. I intend to blog less and to do Instagram instead as a quick, easy and immediate form of journalling. My posts will always need to be #keepingitreal because I don't do pretty (ever) but if any of you are on Instagram and fancy spotting me over there, I'm on as angeljem5. Please drop by and say hi.

If you fancy dolce-ing some far niente, then this article by Courtney Carver, How to Cultivate Dolce Far Niente is the one that started me off. To read Eat Pray Love click here and to watch it, click here.


  1. Have a lovely summer......see you on the other side.

  2. I shall go and find you now.
    Have a wonderful August.
    I will have a read, you always recommend good stuff.
    Lisa x

  3. Just found you again, have a good summer xx

  4. happy summer. relax. enjoy. don't sit in silence for a month though. bit extreme I thought.

    1. Silent for a month is unlikely.... (impossible for me, actually) but just not aiming for regular pattern.

  5. I hope you have a lovely summer x

  6. Enjoy the summer holidays Jo, with plenty of Dolce Far Niente! xx


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