Still playing with the camera...

I am inordinately proud of my front door. If you remember, last year I painted it and spruced it up a little, but it was still crowded and cluttered, just because my style is slightly cluttered and crowded.
Last week I decided that the summer styling of my door needed something a little more elegant, less in your face. So I cleared the pots away, cleaned the brass and washed the step (still haven't painted the window frames or eaves yet!) and felt rightly pleased with the effect. For about £10 (two cheap marguerites and two pots at £1.25 each) my door has a little more grace and elegance.

 And because a little is good and more must be better, some purely gratuitous shots that I fiddled with using my camera.
 The Painting effect
 Toy Camera 2. My first camera when I was 10 automatically did this. It was a 110 with film on a double ended cassette. Don't tell me, you're too young to remember 110 cameras. At least it wasn't a box brownie!
 Cross effect. At first I was cross because I couldn't see what the effect was.... but look at the sparkle on that front door window! And the flowers!!!

 Ye Olde Fronte Doore. From the Victorian era. (well, 18.59 at least. That's nearly 7 o'clock pm)

 High Def Monochrome. Pointless to show off a red door.

 Cyan filter. As far as I can work out, it's the shade of blue your lips turn when you're choking.

 Schindlers List, red picked out.


  1. Very nice. You've brought back lots of memories with the 110 camera. Me and my sister got the same one at Christmas, my brother borrowed my sister's camera when he went away on holiday and lost the battery cover so knowing she'd go mad with him, decided that he'd take the one from my camera to replace my sister's leaving me with no battery cover. However, I knew my brother so well and it took me about two seconds to work out what he'd done. Just because he didn't want to get in bother with my sister. I never mess about with my photos but I love how these different effects give totally different looks to your front door.

    1. It's a pain, because I have to do the effects when the shots are on the camera, so I sit staring at the 3 inch screen a lot! But I like the play value.

  2. Love the different effects, the 'painting' one looks rather good x

    1. The painting effect works better with people, really. I'm sure there'll be plenty of versions creeping up over the summer.

  3. You have been having fun playing with your decorating and your camera!! I had one of those 110 cameras, the pictures were always pretty terrible I seem to remember, and I am firmly blaming the camera, it could not have been the operator!! xx

    1. It was the camera. Could anybody take a decent photo with them?

  4. Red is a good colour for a front door! Ours has been lots of colours but red is my fav. Yes! I had a 110 camera with the double ended film cartridge. I like all the different effects you've shown. I play about with my photos but do it once I've uploaded them onto the iPad.

    1. You see, you can mess about with them on the I Pad, but my puter doesn't let me.

  5. My first camera was a 110. I bought it when I was about fourteen. I think you got a good facsimile of the excellent photos we used to get with those. :) Your entryway looks good. I really like red front doors. I think they're very snazzy.

    1. I love them so much, when I was playing with door colours last year I had loads on my Pinterest board.

  6. My first camera held a 110 film to! It was a Halina with a big green button to press to take the photo.
    I like the flowers and the lamps hanging up too.
    Lisa x

  7. Cool camera - I like the '110 effect' (yes, I had one) in a strangely nostalgic way!


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