Meal Planning Monday... again

Joining in with At Home With Mrs M!

Monday; Roasted chicken, peppers in olive oil, mash
Tuesday; Sausage and pasta
Wednesday; Spicy Bean pot and wedges
Thursday; Chilli Beef Noodles
Friday; I Have No Idea
Saturday; Probably a meal at Ma's
Sunday; Roast Pork with gratin potato and yorkshire pudding. If Jo at Through the Keyhole can have yorkshire pudding whatever roast she does, I don't see why I can't either!

I can't believe it's March already. I rushed my planning this weekend, so there are still gaps to fill when I may have to make it up on the hoof. And I can't believe it is already March in my life! Where has the year gone? I was planning March and thinking that by the end of the month the weather will be so much better, the food will be so much lighter and we will finally be coming out of hibernation! Although I can't wax lyrical about spring yet... after all, it's entirely possible we may get a big blast of snow for Easter yet!


  1. A great weeks eating at your house! I totally agree about the Yorkshires!! xx

  2. I'd serve Yorkshires with every meal if I had my way.
    Lisa x

  3. We've had a big blast of snow already today! You are very organised with your meals. Most days I don't know what I'm going to make for the next day. I suppose I have a rough sort of plan in my head but it never gets formalised into a list. Unless we're having visitors and then it's multi-list time.

  4. I see my Yorkshire ways are rubbing off on you. We've had quite a few big blasts of snow here this morning, it was actually laying at one point but the sun has come out and melted it all. It's blowing a gale too so the snow was coming down sideways. March has definitely come in like a lion so I'm hoping it goes out like a lamb.

  5. I am certainly ready for salad weather again. We've had two lovely days of sunshine but this is our first March in the Pacific Northwest and I hear March = rain. I'm not complaining, just realizing that soups and stews will be on the menu for a bit longer.


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