Another Time... Another Place....

I can't remember if I've ever posted about Another Place before? I haven't been for ages, a fact proven only too well today when I told the Princess where we were off to and all she could ask was "What place? Where?"

Another Place is Antony Gormley's art installation of 100 cast iron men, height 6ft 2 and based on his own body. It's been at Crosby since 2007 when permission was finally granted for it to stay permanently. I find it an amazingly intriguing collection since the men are all identical and variety comes from the positions they hold on the beach.

We were there near to high tide so there were only a few figures available to see, but the chance to be your own Figure was too good to miss.

The Princess and JW spent quite a while dipping their toes into the freezing waters, trying to bury their feet as deep as the figures, stand still as a statue (difficult considering the wind off the Irish Sea was... well, lively) and basically getting their legs and trousers wet enough to be giggleworthy.

We'd started off the afternoon with a picnic using our new picnic bag. It was a bargain from Ebay, bought to replace our knackered old wicker one, faithful servant for at least 15 years. We had Frikadellen, mini sausages, chicken wings, crisps, dips and crudités with coke and squash to drink. Aldi's picnic blanket and my red tartan car rug gave us a smooth base to sit on and, apart from that wind fit to winnow corn, the sun unexpectedly shone.

And there was fun to be had with my camera, as well. I love its panorama function, especially when I can persuade a willing victim into playing games with me!


  1. I really want to go to this beach, I find the figures fascinating, quite of eerie as the sea washes over them and covers them. I love your dotty red plates, such a pleasure to eat a picnic off.

    1. Red dotty plates make the picnic taste even nicer, don't you find?

      The beach is such an industrial place in so many ways. You watch the container ships sailing by, the wind farm twirling just off the coast and the flotsam and jetsam that wash up is.... unsavoury in a lot of ways, but the beach is still a beach and people use it for walking and sea gazing from. The marina was actually nice as well. The sea front does get much nicer quite quickly further north!

  2. This is beach is definitely on my to visit list, but it will definitely need to be high summer thinking about that wind!
    Your picnic sounds lovely and if S had been with you she would have made light work of that hummous and veg!
    Lisa x

    1. The wind off the Irish Sea is bracing whatever time of year it is! And when you come to see the beach and the rest of Liverpool, let me know and S can have hummous and veg with a friend!


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