Valentines Day; we went small this year.

I love my husband, I really do, and we have had fun in the past with meals out, presents, weekends of lurve and all sorts of things, but gradually we have settled down about Valentines Day. I mean, really, I know he loves me and I love him and we do this ALL YEAR ROUND and I know a lot of people really enjoy making a fuss of Valentines Day with presents and stuff, but we are too overburdened with STUFF. The past few years Mr Angel Jem and me (I?) have been striving to do more without adding more. No massive piles of gifts, no extravagant gestures of balloons, flowers or anything that suddenly shoots up in price at this time of year.
No, we don't buy a card. Mr AJ bought a really lovely one about 3 years ago, it;s perfect, and I like it. It comes out every year and that is really all I need, card wise. And I make him a card. Last years was marzipan covered with chocolate. The year before I made cupcakes and we all enjoyed them. This year it was a sample card for a Guides craft session I ran on Friday.

Our gift this year was a joint one; we don't get (can't get) Sky Atlantic and seriously don't miss it much, but just the occasional series piques our interest so we treated ourselves to Boardwalk Empire, the boxset. We'll watch it an episode a night until we're done, by which time series 2 of House of Cards should be available (I may pre order it already) and see us through the summer.
Keep your flowers, chocolates and cuddly toys. Our romance doesn't take one day a year to celebrate; it takes the year to live and enjoy.


  1. We went small too, a bag of jellybeans, a scratchcard and a minions keyring were the "big" gifts of the day but we still had a blast. It seems silly to spend lots of money on useless things when we have a large young family and all the expense that entails (and a healthy stationery addiction to support!). It's really about the little things you do for each other every day instead of grand gestures once a year isn't it?

    1. Minions keyring! The BEST present in the world! I am such a Minions fan. And yes I love the everyday things that show how loved I am more than the big gestures!

  2. We didnt really bother much, a card each and thats about it. Every day we tell each other we love each other and that is all that matters, not stuff!!

    1. Nothing says I love you as much as a cup of tea at bedtime.... but it's good to hear it as well!

  3. It sounds like a lovely Valentine's Day. We make cards for each other. My husband colored mine with the kids' crayons. :)

    1. Cute! Because I went to Guides on Friday night my daughter wants to make us breakfast in bed next Saturday so Valentine's day can run for a week!

  4. We had a romantic candlelight dinner for 2 and the budgie. It is the first time non of the Boys were home on the 14th. I cooked homemade pizza with meringue for desert. it was lovely

    1. Mmm pizza with meringue....
      Nah I know what you meant! Sounds lovely. I can't imagine a time when all 3 of mine are somewhere else!

  5. We don't celebrate Valentine's Day at all, no cards, no mention. I can't remember the last time it was celebrated in our house.

    1. Because every day is a day of lurve? Or it's a commercialised celebration? We got engaged on Valentines day so we have a personal reason to celebrate.

    2. A bit of both really. How lovely that you got engaged on Valentine's Day, that's definitely a reason to celebrate.

  6. What a good idea, treating yourselves to something you'll both enjoy so you can spend some time together just enjoying each others company.
    Lisa x


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