Wednesday Wind Up: How a little of what you fancy goes a long, long way.

Whatever else you do today (hello! I'm writing this a day late on Thursday: better late than never) go and vote. I don't care who you vote for, just vote. And if there's nobody you want to vote for, go and spoil your ballot. Spoilt ballots get counted as well, and can be a form of protest.

On to Wednesday Wind Up. I've had a bit of a slow wake up this week, I think I either have a water infection or a cold, I find it so hard to get out of bed and into work. Or perhaps the sunny mornings just make me wish occasionally I was still a SAHM. Oh, the things I could do with a few days at home now! Never mind, that's not my season. I work 9 to 4 most days, so that's what I do.

What am I reading this week?
I finished reading Gone Viking by Helen Russell. It was funny, and touching, and all the things I wanted it to be. A good happy read, so that was fun.
I also finished Happy by Fearne Cotton. It was interesting: while I was reading it, I could hear Fearne's voice reading it out. She certainly cuts to the point as well. We often chase happiness through big things... the big car, big house, big promotion, when so often true happiness and contentment is found in the little. If you're a big self help fan, everything she says will be familiar to you already, but having it easy to access in a friendly format is always a good idea.

I must have been feeling reading-ready this week, because I also finished The Little Book of Ikigai by Ken Mogi. I'm reviewing this over on How to Hygge the British Way, so pop over there for full thoughts. Ikigai means basically finding and working to your life's purpose. I certainly feel that the more we align our careers, lives, loves to our purpose, the happier we will be. If you've read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (and who hasn't?) then the idea of finding the thing that Sparks Joy in our life will not seem strange.

What Have I Watched this week?
The Woman in White. It's the BBC Sunday Evening drama at the moment. I remember very well the 1982 dramatisation, with Alan Badel and Ian Richardson in, so I think sadly I keep running comparisons between. It also doesn't help that Tywin Lannister is playing an invalid uncle and I just can't see him as that. His voice is too alive. 

It is, however, my daughter's first time watching the story, and so far, so good. She does love a good romance and a good mystery, so finding this has both is a win/win for her.
I also finally got around to watching This Beautiful Fantastic on Amazon. Somebody on The Hygge Nook recommended it way back before Christmas and I couldn't find it then for hire or purchase. It's a lovely movie, about a librarian and a garden, about love and redemption and death, about being brave and facing fears. It has a good cast, with  Jessica Brown Findlay, Tom Wilkinson, Andrew Scott and Jeremy Irvine. Can I say it's like an English Amelie? That same quirkiness, the same romance that might or might not be? The same gallery of misfits finding friendship together? I loved it, and I am going to watch it again soon. Possibly this afternoon, if work goes quiet. Don't tell the Boss.

Where have I been this week?
Nowhere much. I spent last weekend in a flurry of happy messing, tidying the garden and beginning to make it into the outdoor space I want it to be. I still have lavender plants to put in the front garden, crocosmia bulbs to plant and some more plans for the back garden. Hopefully this weekend will be sunny and bright and I can press ahead with my crazier plans and get some photos done. I felt fabulous after working last week, so I should remember that time spent with my hands getting filthy in soil is richly rewarded with positive feelings afterwards.

How Has my spending gone this week?
Better than last week, although any spare cash this weekend got spent on teak oil,  compost and red geraniums for the front garden. I still need red geraniums and blue lobelias for the back garden, but I need to visit my Mum to get to the cheapest and best garden centre in the district. 
My big expense this week will be paying my WI subs, four months late! I am lucky the President has been so patient. Never mind, I have the cash in my purse and I'm going tonight, so that will be gone by tomorrow.

What are my WIPs this week?
I'm feeling very proud of myself this week. I have crocheted the front and the back of a pretty cushion for my Hygge Nook. It's the same cream wool as my large blanket (still un-bordered) with red and sage green. I used the same crochet stitches and made it up myself, so that's a moment of pride for me.
I still have the shades of green and blue cotton looking balefully at me. They're on the back burner for a couple of weeks, while I sort out which patterns I want. And when the cushion is finished, I want to make a footstool for the Living Room, with a brightly coloured round top and black (with or without stripes) round the side. Something to make me feel cosy in the evenings.

Any Other Business?
Not really, life is pootling along fine. I'm selling a few of my books here and there, which is fabulous. I'm considering another Christmas book, on planning for an easy Christmas and how to take it easy. I wrote the Christmas book last year during June, July and August, so I think I may take the same route this. Christmas Carols by the seaside, anyone? The joys of writing a seasonal book out of season!

Oh, I almost forgot! My niece has broken her leg, in two separate places. On her birthday last Monday, of all days! She has a baby girl coming up to one, so she's moved back in with her parents who will be looking after her for a while. At the moment it's still unclear whether she'll need her leg pinning or operating on, so all my plans may be for naught if help is needed and I can get to look after a baby!


  1. Sending my best wishes to your niece for a swift recovery, it's definitely not the best time to be breaking legs when you've got a baby, and especially on your birthday. I've taped The Woman in White but I'm not sure whether I'll watch it or not yet, I'm not sure it's my thing. I love red geraniums, I always have them in some tall blue planters at each side of my door and they look fabulous. I've just got mine planted up so I'm hoping for some good weather now so they'll romp away.


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