Wednesday Wind Up: 50 today

It's my birthday, one of those big birthdays with a 0 at the end. At my last one, 10 years ago, I was teaching, a mother of three aged 10 and under and swept along on a wave of business and busy-ness. My life has altered so much since.

  • I'm no longer teaching, but working as an Office Ninja. I have time to write, and miss it when I'm not writing (I'm between books at the moment, trying to do a proofreading qualification. I miss stringing my own words together, rather than marking up other people's words) so I have the plan in my head for the next book, just gently simmering away at the moment.
  • I'm more confident. I won't take things quietly, and I'm inclined to speak out on the issues that I feel strongly about. 
  • I'm the mother of three young adults. That gives me a degree of freedom and a level of concern that I haven't had for ages. I'm aware that I have lost a degree of control over their lives and decisions even as I have gained back control over myself. That's good, I know that, but I need to get used to that rather than wading in with advice that a. they don't need and b. they won't take anyway because they're independent young people.
Anyway, on to this week. My Wind Up, so that in 10 years time I can look back and see what I was up to now.

What am I reading this week?
I finished Eleanor Oliphant. It was brilliant. I must mark it down on Goodreads, I was simultaneously laughing and crying at the book. And I read it in way less than a week, it really was one of those that I couldn't put down.
I'm reading Outlander now. We've booked a holiday in August, to Scotland, and we're staying in Outlander country, by which I mean the places it's filmed rather than the places it's set. So I figured that reading the books would be a great idea first. There are about 8 books and about 70 days until we go. Will I finish in time? Do I know? Do I care? But the first book is a very enjoyable read.

What Have I Watched this week?
Outlander? I'm watching season 2, and have season 3 to watch as well. Yes, it's great fun to be in two different points of Claire and Jamie's timeline at the same time. I'm not sure how I keep tabs on it, except that I do.
Suits. Following on from the Wedding of Prince Henry to Ms Rachel Meghan Markle, I pulled this up on Netflix and put on only the first episode last Sunday. By bedtime we were 7 down, and the whole family were watching. We officially have a great show that gets everybody into the same room. That's a win.

Where have I been this week?
I visited a new friend last week and began to teach her to crochet... there were two newbies, so I sat in between them and gave advice. Was it any good? I don't know, but we're meeting up next week as well to continue the education.
Apart from that, the week has been quiet. I never left the house on Saturday (too busy with the wedding) and it's been a busy couple of days at work. I need a day out and soon!

How Has my spending gone this week?
Good. I have my new Filofax, all set up with cream paper and print outs. I invested in some paper and the files so that I need never but another set of Filofax inserts again. Print and cut, punch and fold. I had a pleasant half hour yesterday doing that.
I haven't bought much else this week. I'm beginning to save up for my holidays, and I have a day out on Friday that demands some spending money for me.

What are my WIPs this week?
I am crocheting a new footstool. No pattern, no pictures, it's just a circle of crochet and black sides to cover a pretty, but very pale, footstool cube from Aldi. I'm squeezing the bean bag up as well, so it should be firm enough to rest my feet on.

Any Other Business?
No... except I'm 50. Tonight is a chinese takeaway, I'm having a day out on Saturday with Peter and hoping to have more days out over the summer. If you're up to anything this weekend, have a great time. I'll leave you with the quote I made for Manchester, to commemorate the bombing's anniversary yesterday. Resilience, you see, makes for a better world.


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