To hygge or not to hygge, that is the question?

Here's a round up of all my hygge page posts from last week. Please, do, click through and say hiya. I'm finding Wordpress an interesting use, but I'm not as confident about it as I'd like to me. Any and all visitors warmly welcomed in a very hyggely way! Just click on the quotes to go through to the page! Hygge words are cracking to play with. You basically take a concept and add hygge to the front or the back of it; so enjoying shopping is hyggeshopping, time with the family is familyhygge and a list of hygge words is a hyggelist. October 4th is Cinnamon Bun Day in Sweden. I baked buns to celebrate, and this was my post the night before. My year of living hyggely officially began on October 4th, with the inaugural Recipe Tuesday as well. A recipe for... guess what?.... cinnamon buns. Contentment at the core... I love this quote. It was a look at whether Hygge is Mindfulness in a Danish wrapper. My book review of Scandinavian Kitchen'...