So, farewell to Rio....

Has anybody else been addicted to the Olympics? I remember when I was a student and the Olympics were in Seoul that I adjusted my body clock and got up to watch the events I most liked. Back then I loved the Decathlon (Daley Thompson <3), the showjumping and the 1,500m. I don't remember being as enamoured of the cycling, the Triathlon and the shooting. I watched what was on BBC and made do with just a shout out for events that, in all honesty, would be the ones I'd love to take part in like the pistol shooting or air rifle. And the trap shooting I love now!

But then, thinking back, the coverage wasn't as wall to wall and available as it now is. This time if I had a random event that I fastened onto and wanted to watch, the BBC sport app made that possible. Trap shooting? No probs; you could watch Tim Kneale (how I love that we share a surname!) slog it out with Steven Scott online, or watch the highlights on your phone, or any one of a dozen ways to find out how we were doing.

 I know I've made use of the website in quiet moments here at work, when there are no phone calls, no post and no visitors and an earphone doesn't look out of place on a receptionist. And the office can be so quiet when it's just me.

OK; I'll answer that question you want to know; am I enjoying work? Yes, oh yes, I am loving it. It has made me rethink things for the future. I know that in 6 months time, for instance, I will be using the online case management system we have to take some of the secretarial work that Peter has been doing for himself onto my shoulders. I know that we are building an online presence on Facebook and Twitter and that I am responsible for that. I love faffing with the website, and trying to boost the SEO. It suits me. Sad as it seems, I am still not missing school and the fact that I have spent what would have been 6 glorious relaxed, lazy weeks of summer at a desk, writing or planning or learning and I don't begrudge that is both amazing and wonderful. My one regret is that this year while we are getting established I haven't been able to spend the time with the children as I usually do, for days out or picnics in the park. I know they are young adults and need me less, but I liked just hanging with them.

I have favours to ask; you know we have a firm website Peter Kneale Solicitor ? Well, it has links to our Facebook and Twitter feeds as well. If you are a tech-person, would you mind clicking over and liking the pages? The more likes and shares we get, the better our online presence and the bigger our online presence, the more work we get....

Our Twitter feed is; @KnealeSolicitor

and Facebook is Peter Kneale Solicitor

Just click and like or follow. I post about 3 times a day max, usually a blog link, or a bit of useful or interesting information. And on Twitter we like a lot of tweets and re-tweet some as well. Oh, and if you have a business that needs boosting, let me know. I'm a great believer in you scratch my back and I'll massage yours!


  1. I've never been one who watches much sport so I've caught very little of the olympics, though Mick's watched his and my fair share put together. Glad that work is going well, it sounds like you're thoroughly enjoying it. Hope everything went well for David last Thursday, Eleanor goes off to Nottingham a month today, exciting times.

    1. I caught up on your blog today (it's a slow work day and I'm skivving off in the office) so I saw she did well! To be honest, David didn't get the grades he needed for my first choice but he got what he needed for the best choice for him. Does that make sense? He got an A in English, and a C in History but his RS..... well, Underwhelming is all I'll say! We've even had it re-marked and it was the same, so Salford it is! But they were desperate for him, and he will like it and do well there, so I'm happy. God has a way of sorting things out, hasn't He?

  2. I must be the only one pleased with the end of the Olympics. I resent how 'my' TV gets hijacked by sports. I went as far as signing up with Netflix to avoid it all.... apologies for being such a grinch.
    Glad you like work, it is always a bonus to have well liked job! From what you write, I'd probably enjoy it, too. My older children need my virtual presence more than my physical presence but I am grateful I am still needed, sometimes. Have a great week.

    1. I was feeling guilty about not having my 'proper' 6 week holiday, until I realised the children actually sleep until about 12.... or later! So I only actually miss them for a couple of hours a day max. Hope you had a good week?

  3. Hello, finally catching up with more blog reading. I don't get Twitter but have popped onto FB.

    I loved watching the cycling and Mo - I love Mo. On his first race I was sat in a hotel room silently chanting "Go Mo GO" at 1.30am!!!!! So I am glad I can sleep through again!

    1. Good to be Facebook friends! And I have a teacher friend who stayed up for all the major athletic events... I'm guessing her bodyclock is back to normal by now!

  4. I can't say I'm fond of sport so have missed most of the Olympics. I'm not too sorry it has ended awful person that I am. I shall have a look at my defunct twitter account and tweet for you. x

    1. Thank you! It's been good to see how far we can go as a Little Guy against the mighty powers of Large Companies. I don't think we'd have gone so far without friends and recommendations.

  5. I've seen a lot of the Olympics too - husband is a big cycling fan so I've watched lots of that. I'm not that interested in the action but it's good to see the winners' reactions. Not on Twitter but will do Facebook like for you. Good luck - I'll be back at school soon and haven't done much preparation with being busy moving house so will need to get on with that soon! GCSE results tomorrow so no getting away from it now.

    1. GCSE results.... *shudder* James did ok, but his Chemistry wasn't good enough to do the A level, so we spent Thursday morning busy discussing alternatives. His father is very traditional so things like BTec didn't mean anything.

  6. Liked on FB, thanks for putting the link on here, been meaning to do it.
    The Olympics were wonderful. It was a delight to see people doing what they do and doing it so well and the support they gave each other was good to see. Graham mentioned about how they were all so polite and could string sentences together when interviewed, so much better than some of the professional footballers who earn huge amounts of money!
    Lisa x

  7. I LOVED having the Breakfast news to watch on the TV on our cruise- so nice to find out what medals we got! I don't have a TV usually, so it was a treat! And that is all I saw of the Olympics!


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