I love You Tube

I have never made a video, never listened to myself, if I can help it, never felt the urge until I actually started watching Filofax videos. Yes, I know, who knew? People actually make videos where they show you the pages of their Filofaxes, what sections they have, what dividers they use or make or..... well, it's unbelievable, really, until you watch them and suddenly you find yourself thinking, "Oh, I like that divider" or "That pen loop would be good in teal" or "Blue Finchley is such a lovely seaside colour" and the next thing you know you have subscribed to the best (My Purpley Life, Tracy Reinhardt, KatLeNoir and Ju La are among my faves) and you wait for the webs and videos updates on Tuesday and Saturday from Philofaxy to see what good ideas, mad inspiration or bizarre things you can see this week.

And then you have a day when there is not a lot happening (ie a day when you have told yourself that the house needs a little tender care) so you get the laptop out and have a smooch, look at your favourite sites and browse Amazon and then sit there thinking that you have better things to do. Breathe easy, let that feeling pass and then you look at the webcam on the laptop and think, "Hey! I wonder what I sound like on the video? Why don't I just make a video and we'll see...."

And several videos later you realise that you enjoy them, that you have some new and some old friends following you on video because the same people exist in the Youtube and blogoverse and that you are actually enjoying a little conversation with some of them. And that's good because perhaps, just perhaps, if we can keep talking to people who  live in different parts of the world from us and have different views than us, we can avoid some of the bad things that can happen when people don't get on.
And you can find classics like this.


  1. I've been enjoying watching your Filofax videos. I see you've uploaded a few more so I'll catch up on those later when I have a bit more time.

  2. It's truly amazing what you can find on youtube. I was just telling my daughters the other day that they can search on there to learn how to put a zip in and then I wouldn't have to do it for them! :oD


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