Do I have to have a reason to post? Yes? You mean you don't just want stream of consciousness what I'm thinking now stuff you want coherent sentences? Oops. Today may not be the day. This is a bit of a catch up post, not very picture heavy, more a list of things that I am happy about.

I found my video camera. Yes, I have the sort of house where a video camera can go missing and, even more vitally, so can the docking station/charger/join to the puter to upload bit. But today I found it and NOW I can do proper looking and sounding videos for my Youtube channel, MrAngelJem.
I have a list of schools to go and look at and apply to. I get very conflicted about whether I do/don't want full time work, but I worked 4 days this week and I am awake today, so perhaps the time has come to make some money and be a full time teacher.

I have lamb to roast for tonight. Lamb is my favourite roast dinner, but very expensive so very rare. My Mum and Dad are coming for tea so I'm thinking mediterranean leg of lamb with garlic and rosemary, perhaps a little Nigel or Nigellan.

Slow roast leg of lamb with herb rub

And that's about it. A small catch up post. My Filofax weeks are on Happy Angel, over here and I post as myself, Jo Kneale on Facebook. If you're on Facebook and fancy being a friend, get in touch. The more the merrier!


  1. Is there room for one more at your dinner table? I love lamb, one of my favourites.

  2. I love lamb but it is really rare that I get it. It is very expensive here and not all stores carry it. Even worse is my husband does not like it at all. Every once in awhile I will have it when I visit with my Dad. He is a big fan too. Your house is not the only one where a camera could get lost. Those kinds of things happen over here too. More often than I care to admit. ;)


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