On the second day of Christmas....

I got all my craft stuff together and made presents for the family.

(This years box; snowmen & women)
For years now I have always made a little something for the closest members of the family. I made quilted cushions one year, embroidered picture frames another and very often produce painted boxes. This year everything about Christmas has run away from me, and I just don't seem to have got as far ahead as I would prefer to be, given that Advent starts on Saturday and I like (usually) to be nearly finished. Perhaps it's the nebulous quality of supply that prevents me from saying to myself "This I will do today" and doing it. I wait for the call, and am either racing out the door, or ready for disappointment. Either way, I haven't got myself up to the point that I have usually achieved at this time and hence, this year, am now beginning to panic that the event will arrive in 4 weeks time with me holding no presents and feeling a right chump.

But, wait! Salvation arrives in the form of a sick kid (number 2 is ill; ill for two days at least. I can comfortably plan to sew today and tomorrow!) so while JW lounges under a hand-knitted blanket and sleeps through Star Wars 1 & 3 (2 is missing and cannot be found) I am playing Florence Nightingale (or Mary Seacole, if you want to be even more PC) and running out to my under-worked sewing machine to make bags (see picture above) and notebook covers galore! Tomorrow I plan to paint, since I have boxes to finish so that I can have a merry Christmas free from guilt. Teachers? Schmeachers! I daren't read Domesticali to see what she has done for her kids... Soulemama is out on the same basis and my bloglines notifier is looking full. My kids' teachers are getting an Amaryllis with a wish that they don't do what JW's Year 1 teacher did, and take one look before basically telling him she was no good with flowers and it probably wouldn't grow(!) (ignoring the learning potential of Amaryllis in the classroom completely and making him scared to give a plant the next year 'in case'.)

Christmas all wrapped up in two days; just little stocking fillers to go and a few pleasant evenings writing the cards (no, I bought them. Lovely black & white supporting the NSPCC from Wilkinsons) and some sessions in the kitchen with or without my sous-chef. Without is quicker and gives me the option of saving whatever I make for a later date; with is more fun, but the biscuits/cakes/pizza etc get eaten as soon as they are touchable.
And apologies for the fact that my 'puter and I have not been online much...... I'll catch up when I can!


  1. Good for you! It looks like you're all organized and have everything under control. I'm only just starting -- I'll be late as usual!

  2. You're back - I was missing you. And just when I thought I'd sorted the teachers nice and early, Mark has generated two more who must be coastered. Where does he get them from?

    Wish someone would get me an Amaryllis for Christmas - what a lovely present.

  3. Nice to see I'm not the only absent blogger, I've got lots of ideas of "things to make for people for Christmas" but am sadly lacking in time so have resorted to some clever buying in the shops on a tight budget. Love those cards BTW, I'll have a look in Wilkinson's again I missed those when I was in the shop yesterday!
    Gill x

  4. Oh I think you are further on than me! Lovely things you have made.

  5. hello dearest, glad to see you back!!! Fab cards!!! So what is your fave pressie received as a teacher??? My cousin once got a pair of shoes!!!

  6. well you sound far more advanced than me.

  7. Hey - just wanted to stop off and say hello! Haven't heard from you in the longest time. Love that you make so many of your gifts yourself. Those are really the best kind, aren't they?

    And by the way, shame, shame and even MORE shame on the teacher who ruined your child's joy at giving her a gift!!! What a dummy (for lack of a cleaner word to use!) and besides being rude, she also sounds stupid because even I was able to grow an Amaryllis! lol And my thumb is more yellow than green!!

    Hope you and yours have a wonderful and Merry Christmas!!!

  8. I took my sewing machine into Gwen's school today, to help the children sew thier cushions. I managed to get only 13 cushions done with the children, only 76 more pupils to go !


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