Saturday I had a good time; crochet, cake and Crowfoot CAL

On Saturday I went to Black Sheep Wools for a workshop. It was run by Jane Crowfoot, whose latest CAL started last week. I feel very lucky to live a bare half hour from BSW, and to be able to get up at 9 and still be there by 10 for a workshop. There were 12 of us, all gathered around the table and keen to start making a bag. The project was called the Lily Pond Bag and Jane designed it to use up all the bits and pieces left over from the Lily Pond blanket CAL last year. It looks divine; And the workshop was set up to allow for a degree of individuality. I love a degree of individuality. We got to choose colours and order, and everyone who attended got the pattern as devised by Jane. It was only 6 hours but you can get a lot done in 6 hours as well as eating a LOT of sandwiches and cakes. The furtherest participant had come from Northumberland, but there were mostly local people there. And there wasn't a lot of talking; the patterns are deceptively fiendish an...