Jeg laerer Dansk....

I am learning Danish. This is not a sensible thing to do. I have no plans to visit Denmark this year or next (but at some future time) and I know nobody Danish at all. AT ALL.

Except, I feel I know...

Those jumpers!!

The eternal life-work-fancy bit on the side triangle!! (my fancy bit is a bar of chocolate!)

The mind palace; and that eternal regret that I can't act in my mother tongue let alone another one!

Then I read this book; Fluent in Three Months. OK, I'm half way through it really, but I get the total immersion idea. The live the culture to learn the language and spend hours a day doing flashcards and learning the sentences. Hej! Hvordan går det? Hyggeligt at se dig!

But I have a mission. I am getting a box set for my birthday. No, not Breaking Bad, although I want to watch that too; but Birgitte, her of the sharp suits and the power play in consensus politics. Yep, Borgen is mine in 2 short months. And I want to be able to truthfully say, "Turn the volume up, I can't hear what they're saying!!"

So I am learning Danish. Jeg laerer Dansk. And I have phone apps, an online course for 6 months, a phrase book and fortunately some second hand copies of classic Danish Nordic Noir to sit and watch. Jeg vil være i stand til at forstå programmet or it'll kill me. Fluent in three months! Ha! Try Borgen busting in two!


  1. The author of this book was on Midweek this morning on Radio 4. Good luck with the language learning.
    Lisa x

  2. We learnt French at school and I hated it, put me off languages for life. Eleanor's got a thing about Swedish, though like you, has no intention of visiting Sweden and doesn't know anyone Swedish. I think it stems from one of her classroom assistants in primary school being married to a Swede, and she taught the class Incy Wincy Spider in Swedish. Eleanor can still recite it now, and has taught herself to say I am speaking Swedish fluently, even though that phrase is the only bit of Swedish she can speak fluently. Good look with the Danish.


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