An award and my tags.

Tilly Tatas gave me an award and tagged me for a 7 random facts tag. I can't remember if I've ever done one before/ for a while so, here goes. 1.My left little finger is smaller than my right little finger. I think it means I'm more highly evolved. 2. I met my husband when I was 11 and finally asked him out when I was 22. I've known him for 29 years. That's scary! 3. I wanted to be a nun when I was 11. All Catholic girls do. Something to do with Bernadette and St Theresa. I blame Blue Peter. 4. I have a Blue Peter badge for writing in to the programme. I got it when I was 19 and applied to be a presenter. I'd still like to be one, but I content myself with being a teacher. Not so well paid, but a lot less trampolines. 5. I can win at Trivial Pursuits using mostly the brown squares. I will answer the cheese questions for the other colours, but brown is my favourite and my best. 6. I have never read War and Peace. It's the russian names, all thos epatronimics ...