I am watching Age of Ultron and writing my to do list

There are films that you can just watch and watch and watch. This is one of those, as is Guardians of the Galaxy. If my comic book heroes are right, then there should be a cross over Infinity Wars movie around 2018. Looking forward to it.

My comic book heroes have both been in the wars recently. Between A levels and GCSEs we have had a tense few months. Made tenser by a couple of good results being tempered by a couple of rogue results. It's all worked out in the end, though.

This hero 

scored an A in his English A level, while managing to get a U for Religious Studies. Seriously, DP? It's not like we didn't take you to church every weeks for most of your formative years.... We asked for a re-mark and it was still a U. Either he will end up as the Pope, or more likely he'll start a cult and make a shed load of money.
The results weren't important except to decide which University he went to. ABB and he was off to Liverpool, anything else and it was Salford. We were hoping for Liverpool (cheaper to live at home, easy to get to....) but wishing for Salford (the course suited DP much better) Be careful what you wish for. We've had a week now, and we are happy with the results. I'm a great fatalist; what happens happens for a reason, and this is the right result for him.

This Genius

did well in his GCSEs. Certainly better than his 'started late and brought the dog' approach to revision merited. I think he really only started trying in February, and only for Maths and Physics. He got an A in Maths, which he needed to study the A level, His C in Chemistry wasn't enough for THAT A level, so he's doing Maths, Physics A level and a BTec in engineering with a view to engineering at University. I'm not letting him take his eye off the ball from now until the exams, so expect a good few whining posts about teenage boys and bad work attitudes. Or about how a good swift kick up the jacksie can galvanise a lad to achieve his full potential.

And the to do list is done. At only 1 side of A4 it isn't my longest, but it needs to be done. And I need to get started. Have a good weekend, and I'll be back in a quiet moment at work!


  1. Congratulations to them both, they've both done really well. I have to say that Daniel could have done more revision than he did for his GCSEs but realised that he couldn't just sit back and get good results at A Level, they definitely call for more study. I'm glad that DP's U grade hasn't prevented him taking the course he wants to, is he going to live out then now? We've just been on our first uni shopping trip for Eleanor but there's still lots of things we've yet to buy. There's so much to do between now and when she leaves, I'm all set to write myself a to do list this afternoon too.

    1. David doesn't want to live out yet... he's a very disorganised dyspraxic so I'm happy to let him remain! Sarah, on the other hand, has her list ready for what she wants and where she could go!
      When does Eleanor go? David's welcome week starts on the 19th.

    2. Eleanor moves on the 23rd, it's a Friday which I think is an odd day to move. She's already got her timetable for welcome week, it's jam packed with orientation events. She's still deciding which freshers events she wants to sign up to but I think she'll end up buying a wristband which allows her entry to everything! How long will it take David to travel each day? Daniel wasn't keen on living out when he first started and if he'd ended up with his second choice (Leeds) he's have lived at home. He's glad now that he got York as he absolutely loved the experience of living in uni accommodation and he became independent so quickly, it's amazing how fast they grow up. Eleanor's boyfriend goes to Sheffield Hallam the week before Eleanor, I'm secretly glad as I'll have her all to myself the week before she leaves, even Mick's away in Austria for part of that week so it will be just the two of us.

  2. As the mum of teenage boys I know way more about Marvel & DC that most people think I would, and watch them more than one might imagine too! I agree they are very rewatchable, ideal if you have some list writing or crafts to get on with and want something you can have one eye on. I love the bit when Scarlet Witch gets her pep talk from Hawkeye, the whole "if you step out that door you are an Avenger" bit.

    1. Good morning Julia, and lovely to meet you. A good pep talk makes a difference to a film, doesn't it? Have you seen Suicide Squad, the pep talk in that is just fun! I'm off to find & read your blog and say hello at your place!

  3. My youngest starts his GCSEs on his return to school. I know I'm in for an interesting two years!! Though he knows he needs to pull his weight as he intends to go down the law or engineering route. We can whine together if you like :D On a more positive note congrats to both your boys on their results x

    1. Sarah is looking forward to hers. She is happy to have chucked her worst subjects... apart from English. As a dyslexic, she hates it and it's compulsory! We can definitely whine together!

  4. Well done to both boys. Teenage boys drive you round the twist don't they. I wonder how a teenage girl is going to be?!!!
    Lisa x

    1. A teenage girl will be fine; she has the advantage of enjoying stationery and colour-coordinated revision charts! I wouldn't be without my hairy animals, though. They simultaneously drive me wild and make me laugh!
      And thanks for liking the business page. Every like spreads the name a little more!

  5. I teach GCSE English and it was good to see people achieve especially as I teach adults who may have missed the boat for one reason or another. So well done in your house! The dress you commented on does have a trouser hack in book which looks pretty cool with the collar top. Love Jo X

    1. I knew it would have! Thank you for the congrats!

  6. Congratulations to both your boys, amazing 'A' level result in English, well done xx

  7. Well done to both of your boys. It must be a relief once the results are in and you can all breathe again. x

  8. Well done to those boys of yours, those are great results and it sounds as though they are on good paths. The thought of GCSEs and A levels makes me go cold with fear. My Y7 son thought that 45 minutes revision was okay for a maths exam this year. Turns out it wasn't. Sigh. I am trying not to think too far ahead. CJ xx

  9. Congratulations to your boys, Jo! Marvel films are a fixture here too, we just watched Captain America last night :-)

  10. Well done to your boys - it must've been stressful, with them both awaiting such important results, but it sounds like it's all worked out ok. It's really interesting reading about results day from a parent's perspective. Before, it was all about me, I didn't give a thought to how my parents might also be worrying about my results too! x

  11. Well done to your boys! My daughter got better than she expected and goes back to sixth form tomorrow to study art (living the dream!). A deep phew! xx

  12. Well done to both boys!!! SUCH an important year for both of them! I remember when I got my A'level results, I went over to get German first and it said I got a D! I remember thinking, "I've never got a D in my life!!!!" and after I'd gone and collected my other results (ABCC),I suddenly noticed it said, "No result" for 2 papers. Yep, the exam board had lost 2 of my oral exam results from Year 12 in which I'd got an A! I ended up with a C in the end with no indication of whether that was an average result or just how it ended up which is sad as I was predicted higher!!


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